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About the CSI Library: Policy: Computer Use

Mission, policies, services, staff, and contact information

Acceptable Computer Use (4/12/2019)

Current CSI students have first priority on using computers in the library. All current CSI students are assigned a username and password at the beginning of each semester which they can use to log in. Students are also assigned a CSI e-mail account. Each currently enrolled student has the option to print in black and white or in color.  

The computers are primarily for student use. Visitors may use a computer, if one is available (must be over 18 years of age). They must sign in and out at the front desk, and must yield the computer to students if another computer is not available. Black and white printing is charged at $.20 a page, color printing is charged at $1.00 a page. Children under the age of 18 cannot use CSI Library computers unless they are enrolled as students

All computer resources are the property of the College of Southern Idaho. Computer usage may be monitored by CSI computer support staff (this includes e-mail and Internet usage). All computer users must abide by rules set forth in the CSI Computer Use Policy. Library users must adhere to the provisions of state and federal copyright laws and regulations. Illegal or unauthorized access, display, performance, reproduction, duplication, distribution or modification of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited. The person using the computer is liable for any infringement. 

  • Boise State University students may request a log-in from the BSU program coordinator which entitles them to the same privileges as CSI students.
  • Idaho State University students may request a login from the ISU office in the Hepworth Building which entitles them to the same privileges as CSI students.
  • University of Idaho students may be logged in as a visitor, but must pay for their printing.

Visitor Computer Stations

CSI Library Staff may give a CSI guest (who is at least eighteen years of age) temporary access to the Internet and Microsoft Office on any of the library computers. Specific procedures are used to keep precise records of when guests use a guest workstation.