Dictionary of Concepts in Literary Criticism and Theory by Wendell V. Harris
Not a general dictionary of literary terms, the Dictionary of Concepts in Literary Criticism and Theory treats seventy fundamental and overarching concepts from allegory and allusion to tragedy and unity. By concepts is meant broad terms that designate modes of thought about, approaches to, or major classifications of literature that are of central importance to the history or present pursuit of literary criticism and commentary. Particular attention has been given to distinguishing the different senses in which a term has been used or is presently used, to noting major questions that have been debated in relation to the concept, and to documenting points of view and specific aspects with full references. Additional sources of information are appended in each case.
Useful especially to students and faculty in literature and to literary critics, the concepts are lucidly presented in essays that can enlighten any reader interested in more than superficial definitions.
Call Number: PN41 .H244 1992
ISBN: 9780313259326
Publication Date: 1992