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Ancient Civilizations: Roman Art (500 BCE - 476 CE)

Togatus Barberini (1st cent. BCE)

Pompeii (Destroyed 79 CE)

House of the Vettii

Villa of the Mysteries

Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius (c.176 CE)

Marcus Aurelius

Roman Sarcophagi

Sarcophagus with the triumph of Dionysus (c.190 CE) - Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

Sarcophagus with triumph of Dionysus (c.215 - 225 CE) - Boston MFA

Sarcophagus with triumph of Dionysus (c.215 - 225 CE) - Boston MFA​

Sarcophagus with triumph of Dionysos

Battle of the Romans and Barbarians (Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus) (c.250 - 260 CE)

Marble sarcophagus with the Triump of Dionysus and the Seasons (c.260 - 270 CE) - Metropolitan Museum of Art

Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons

The Four Tetrarchs (c. 300 CE.)

Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (c.306 - 312 CE.)

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