The Romanesque by Xavier Barral i Altet; Henri Stierlin (Editor)
Call Number: NA390.B3713 2001
ISBN: 9783822812372
Publication Date: 2001
Romanesque Signs by Stephan G. Nichols
Call Number: NX449.N518 1983
ISBN: 9780300028331
Publication Date: 1983
c.1181-1205 Nicholas of Verdun
Nicholas of Verdun (1130 - 1205)From A Biographical Dictionary of Artists
Nicholas of Verdun is not the earliest medieval artist who can be established historically, either by signed surviving work or documents; but he is the first whose development as an artistic personality can be traced through early, mature, and late work.
Bayeux TapestryFrom The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of British Art
A hanging that presents a continuous narrative of the events leading up to and including the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is a unique historical document, for while similar hangings are known to have existed, no comparable examples have survived.