Agile Project Management for Business Transformational Success by Milan Frankl; Paul PaquetteThis book is intended to provide project management office (PMO) executives’ practical information to promote enterprise Agile for business value compatibility within their organization. The primary benefit of this book is to promote a sense of common purpose and collaboration between the project delivery and the organization. Agile project delivery methods are adaptable to the emergence of unknown requirements identified in the later part of the project delivery lifecycle. The key success factor is direct business participation and collaboration to ensure that a business focus determines the output. Agile promotes innovation and creates synergies through a business focus viewing technology deployments as a catalyst for change rather than the final objective. Technology investments implemented through Agile processes result in improved market leadership, organizational alignment, and resource efficiency delivering competitive advantage.
ISBN: 9781631573248
Publication Date: 2015
Effective Project Management : guidance and checklists for engineering and construction by Garth G. F. WardA practical and accessible guide to managing a successful project Effective Project Management is based around an activities and action check list approach to project management. It provides a guide to the basic principles and the disciplines that managers need to master in order to be successful. The author's check lists approach (based on his years of practical experience on projects) ensure that project managers are following valid processes, helping them to be innovative in their approach to developing plans and resolving problems. In addition, the author's check list pick and mix format is designed to be flexible in order to meet the individual needs of the reader. Effective Project Management also contains some information on the theories underpinning project management. Knowledge of the theory helps in the understanding of how project management works in practice. In addition to the book's check lists of what activities need to be performed, the author offers suggestions on how tasks could be carried out. This important resource: Covers a wide range of project management topics including the project management process, programme and portfolio management, initiating and contracting a project, personal skills and more Offers a highly accessible guide to the author's verified check list approach Presents flexible guidelines applicable for a wide range projects Includes guidance for project managers at all levels of experience Written for project managers working on engineering or construction projects, Effective Project Management reviews all aspects of a project from initiation and execution to project completion together with the specialist topics and personal skills needed to manage projects effectively.
ISBN: 9781119469421
Publication Date: 2018
Effective Project Management : Traditional, Agile, Extreme, Hybrid by Robert K. WysockiThe popular guide to the project management body of knowledge, now fully updated Now in its eighth edition, this comprehensive guide to project management has long been considered the standard for both professionals and academics, with nearly 40,000 copies sold in the last three editions! Well-known expert Robert Wysocki has added four chapters of new content based on instructor feedback, enhancing the coverage of best-of-breed methods and tools for ensuring project management success. With enriched case studies, accompanying exercises and solutions on the companion website, and PowerPoint slides for all figures and tables, the book is ideal for instructors and students as well as active project managers. Serves as a comprehensive guide to project management for both educators and project management professionals Updated to cover the new PMBOK® Sixth Edition Examines traditional, agile, and extreme project management techniques; the Enterprise Project Management Model; and Kanban and Scrumban methodologies Includes a companion website with exercises and solutions and well as PowerPoint slides for all the figures and tables used Written by well-known project management expert Robert Wysocki Effective Project Management, Eighth Edition remains the comprehensive resource for project management practitioners, instructors, and students. (PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
ISBN: 9781119562801
Publication Date: 2019
Environmental Project Management by Francis HopcraftThis book describes the various aspects and considerations required in effective project management and the tools that can be used by a nonprofessional project manager to appropriately evaluate how well the professional is doing or effectively manage smaller projects without the need for a professional project manager. Project management is an evolving profession. Originally considered part and parcel of the design function, the practice of project management has evolved into a separate classification of professional practice. Professional project managers of today use sophisticated computer programs to achieve in seconds what took days to accomplish and evaluate in the past. Cost estimating and project scheduling have become key elements in assuring on-budget and on-time delivery of final projects. Key to those is how well the project manager addresses environmental issues that arise. Those issues need to be considered from the planning stages of a project to the end-of-life stages of the project and the disposal of the remnants of the project decades in the future.
ISBN: 9781947083509
Publication Date: 2018
Innovative Business Projects: Breaking Complexities, Building Performance, Volume One: Fundamentals and Project Environment by RajagopalThis book addresses the project management tools and techniques in reference to innovation management analyzing global-local business scenarios, project environment, and administrative perspectives. It also details the financial, risk management, new project designs, complexities in managing innovation, and developing customer-centric innovation projects. Discussions in the book also deliberate on how innovation business project can be managed systematically to enhance organizational performance.
ISBN: 9781631575303
Publication Date: 2017
Innovative Business Projects: Breaking Complexities, Building Performance, Volume Two: Financials, New Insights, and Project Sustainability by RajagopalThis book addresses the project management tools and techniques in reference to innovation management analyzing global-local business scenarios, project environment, and administrative perspectives. It also details the financial, risk management, new project designs, complexities in managing innovation, and developing customer-centric innovation projects. Discussions in the book also deliberate on how innovation business project can be managed systematically to enhance organizational performance.
ISBN: 9781631575327
Publication Date: 2016
The Multiple Facets of Innovative Project Management by Sandrine Fernez-WalchFor firms and other organizations, innovation has become a means of anticipating and managing major changes in their external context and overcoming societal challenges such as sustainable development. As a result, they must innovate repeatedly and continuously. This book explores the multiple facets of innovation project management, defined as the set of activities implemented to bring into being and successfully complete one or several innovation projects. It combines research experience, in cooperation with practitioners, and a theoretical, transversal and global overview inspired from different research streams. The author develops methodologies and frameworks that might be put into practice, provides a case study of research conducted with an air systems manufacturing firm, and outlines avenues for further reflection on innovation project management practice improvement.
ISBN: 9781119476658
Publication Date: 2017
The Project Management Answer Book by Jeff FurmanIf it's essential to project management... it's in here! The first edition of The Project Management Answer Book addressed all the key principles of project management that every project manager needs to know. With a new chapter on scrum agile, updates throughout, and many new PMP® test tips, this new edition builds on that solid foundation. The structure of this update maps closely to the PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition, and is designed to assist anyone studying for the PMP® and other certification exams. Helpful sections cover: * Networking and social media tips for PMs, including the best professional organizations, virtual groups, and podcast resources * The formulas PMs need to know, plus a template to help certification candidates prepare and self-test for their exams * Quick study sheet for the processes covered on the PMP® exam * Key changes in PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition, for readers familiar with earlier versions who want "the skinny" on the new version. PMs at every level will find real gold in the information nuggets provided in this new edition. Those new to project management will find the comprehensive coverage and the depth of the answers especially valuable, and will like the easy-to-read style and Q&A format. For experienced managers looking for new tools and skills to help them pass their PMP® or other certification exams, this is a must-have resource.
ISBN: 9781523096947
Publication Date: 2014
Project Management: Best Practices - Achieving Global Excellence by Harold R. KerznerSenior executives and project managers from more than 50 world-class companies offer their best practices for successful project management implementation The first two editions of the bestselling Project Management Best Practices helped project managers navigate the increasingly complex task of working within global corporations employing distant and diverse work teams. This new Third Edition includes the same valuable wealth of proven best practices, while following up on case studies from previous editions and offering new case studies on project management practices at large and small companies. The Third Edition offers insight from project managers and executives at more than fifty global companies in all sectors of the market. These industry-leading professionals offer insight and best practices for: Project risk management Project management for multinational cultures and cultural failures Focusing on value, as well as cost and schedule Integrated and virtual project teams Covering the latest developments in the project management field, Project Management Best Practices, Third Edition offers a must-have window into the issues and solutions facing corporate managers, project and team managers, engineers, project team members, and business consultants in today's global market.
ISBN: 9781118657010
Publication Date: 2014
Project Management, Denial, and the Death Zone: Lessons from Everest and Antarctica by Grant AveryProject success rates haven't changed in 20 years...Learn why, and what you can do to improve them in your organization!Using examples and lessons learned from the failures and achievements of Antarctic explorers Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton, and Mount Everest expedition leader John Hunt and others, this captivating guide provides powerful insights into the causes of project and program failure and how to manage them to significantly improve project success rates. This title has been recognized by the global PM community for its contribution and ingenuity. It has received the following industry honors:--Nomination for the prestigious PMI David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award--WInner of the 2016 RiskNZ National Awards of Excellence Exemplar Award (RiskNZ is the peak sector and professional body in New Zealand bringing together those people and organisations managing risk)--Chosen as The Book of the Month in PMI's inaugural Book Club
ISBN: 9781604271195
Publication Date: 2015
Project Management 2. 0 by Harold R. KerznerGet connected and improve outcomes with a more modern approach to project management Project Management 2.0 tackles the new emerging approach and toolset for practicing project management in a virtual world. Author Harold Kerzner is recognized as the thought leader in project management, and in this book, he shows how PM 2.0 offers better outcomes with a focus on new tools, better governance, improved collaboration, and more meaningful reporting using KPIs, metrics, and dashboards. This full color guide explores the impact PM 2.0 changes are having on organizations around the world, and provides a detailed comparison with PM 1.0 to help practitioners adopt new techniques and tools to use within their existing project management approach. At its core, PM 2.0 recognizes that a new generation of workers grew up in a Web 2.0 world of web-based project management tools that allow virtual or distributed teams to work together much more closely than in the past. Advances in technology and information flow have shown that traditional project management techniques are ineffective for many of today's projects. This book offers an alternative with PM 2.0, an updated approach that aligns more closely with the modern workflow. Discover the new project management tools that are changing the workflow Learn how to improve collaboration with stakeholders Explore new ideas and processes for better project governance Achieve more meaningful information reporting with traditional tools Project management is an integral component of successful business operations. With today's technology, teams are no longer limited by distance or time zones - so why are they being managed with approaches that are? This book provides a framework more relevant to the way people work today. For the project manager looking to increase efficiency and improve outcomes, Project Management 2.0 provides the information and tools that can make it happen.
ISBN: 9781118991282
Publication Date: 2014
Stakeholder Engagement on Project Management : Changing the Way We Manage Projects by Louise WorsleyIf stakeholders matter on projects, then they must make a difference to the way we plan, structure, and execute projects. This book provides a stakeholder-centric analysis of projects, and explains which engagement models are relevant to different types of projects—from simple office moves to IT enterprise changes, to transformational change of a business, and to complex social development. With case studies from around the world, the book illustrates what goes wrong when stakeholders are not engaged successfully, what amazing things happen when they are, and what lessons can be learned from both experiences. Cases drawn from a variety of contexts are used to demonstrate the application of stakeholder tools, leaving the reader with a very practical understanding of which techniques may be beneficially applied to their own projects. Key models introduced include the following: • The stakeholder-neutral to stakeholder-led project continuum • Role-based and agenda-based stakeholders • Purposeful communication—the 6-why model for communication • Power and influence in projects • The six principles of stakeholder engagement. This book is intended for project managers and those project staff involved in the engagement of stakeholders to deliver successful project outcomes.
ISBN: 9781631574672
Publication Date: 2016
Understanding Project Management: A Practical Guide by Dave C. BarrettMany books for introductory project management courses are written with heavy detail and are designed for experienced project managers running large-scale projects. In this slim guide, skilled expert Dave C. Barrett prepares students to manage projects with a "let's walk before we run" approach, offering the perfect amount of detail for students new to the field who are lacking practical project experience. Learning only the most critical project management concepts and processes, students are taken through an ongoing case study that follows a moderately sized project from its initiation to completion.This new book offers the actual project management documents produced during the case study and will equip readers with a solid understanding of why each of the processes are used, why the decisions are made, and how the pieces of project management fit together. Suitable for any discipline or industry, Understanding Project Management promises to be a light, engaging, and quick read.
ISBN: 9781773380889
Publication Date: 2018
Why Projects Fail : Nine Laws for Success by Tony MartyrSome projects fail and many more disappoint; our news media often reports projects being over budget, or late, or failing to meet expectations; or all three. So what features of their specification, design, or management cause these failures? In this book, by using examples from around the world and the personal experience of 50 years of project engineering and management, both at the domestic and large industrial scale, the author leads the reader through the traps that await the unwary or inexperienced, whatever their role within a project team. While there is much here for full-time professional Project Managers, this is not a book written exclusively for them and the problems of domestic and community projects are also considered. Like all professions, project management has developed a whole range of esoteric processes, complex computerized tools and jargon that can make the role seem exclusive and unrelated to those who occasionally find themselves undertaking the role. The Author defines nine natural laws underlying the processes and common to projects of every size and type that, if broken or ignored, will lead to project failure; each law has its own chapter. The author makes no apology for mixing the industrial and domestic tasks of project management because these laws are fully scalable, from refurbishing your kitchen to building a factory in a foreign land. The full range of project management and site management tasks get a mention in this easy to read book, the use of which will certainly save you from wasting time and money, whatever your role in the wide project community.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team : a leadership fable by Patrick M. LencioniAfter her first two weeks observing the problems at DecisionTech, Kathryn Petersen, its new CEO, had more than a few moments when she wondered if she should have taken the job. But Kathryn knew there was little chance she would have turned it down. After all, retirement had made her antsy, and nothing excited her more than a challenge. What she could not have known when she accepted the job, however, was just how dysfunctional her team was, and how team members would challenge her in ways that no one ever had before. In this book, the author turns his keen intellect and storytelling power to the fascinating, complex world of teams. Kathryn Petersen, DecisionTech's CEO, faces the ultimate leadership crisis: uniting a team that is in such disarray that it threatens to bring down the entire company. Will she succeed? Will she be fired? Will the company fail? The author's story serves as a timeless reminder that leadership requires as much courage as it does insight. Throughout the story, he reveals the five dysfunctions that go to the very heart of why teams, even the best ones, often struggle. He outlines a powerful model and actionable steps that can be used to overcome these common hurdles and build a cohesive, effective team.
Call Number: HD66 .L46 2002
ISBN: 9780787960759
Publication Date: 2002-04-11
Managing Risk and Complexity Through Open Communication and Teamwork by Phillip K. TompkinsAlong with increased complexities in work and life in general in the twenty-first century come new and dangerous risks to workers, customers, and the general public. Drawing on decades of experience as a researcher and consultant for a range of organizations and individuals in high-risk domains, the author of this book presents a powerful theory of open communication and teamwork. This unites a range of communication practices and principles that have proven to combat risk and complexity in organizations.The book initially focuses on NASA, an organization that experiences and engages with high complexity and risk daily. As a participant-observer in the Apollo program, the author witnessed pioneering communication practices that, for example, empowered engineers with "automatic responsibility" for any technical problem they perceived. It was partly the failure to follow such protocols that resulted in the catastrophes experienced in the Challenger and Columbia tragedies, as the author shows.Using the lessons learned from the space program, the book then explores complexity and risk in medicine, aviation, the fighting of forest fires, and homelessness, again consistently finding communication practices that worked and did not work. Based on detailed research conducted over several decades, the book presents a unified theory linked to generally applicable communication practices. Case studies include the results of an international experiment of surgery conducted in ten countries that produced a highly significant reduction of deaths and infections in Africa, India, and other parts of the world, to the creation of innovative communication practices that significantly reduced risks in the US aviation industry.
ISBN: 9781557537126
Publication Date: 2015
100 Great Team Effectiveness Ideas by Peter ShawMost of us work in teams at work. This book provides prompts to enable teams to thrive and be effective in demanding times. There is a huge interest to ensure teams are effective. The speed of change has meant teams have to be quick to adapt. Information technology means that teams have access to much more information, but need to be able to use that information in a constructive and sure-footed way. Globalisation means that there are many more virtual teams which have to find ways of working quickly and effectively, while adapting to cultural differences about expectations and ways of working. Good team leaders are regularly looking for ways of equipping their teams to work effectively, whilst also ensuring there is time to reflect on longer term issues. There is a growing appetite to try new approaches and learn from the experience of others. The ideas in this book will provide a range of suggestions to help you calibrate how best you can be both an effective team leader and member. The book is designed so you can dip into the different sections. It is intended to be a practical tool for managers and leaders at any level, in any organisation, in any country.
ISBN: 9789814561372
Publication Date: 2015
Primal Teams : Harnessing the Power of Emotions to Fuel Extraordinary Performance by Jackie BarrettaWill your team work together with energy and enthusiasm, fear and frustration, or just go through the motions? With a proper understanding of how emotions work, the choice might just be up to you! Emotion, more than any million-dollar tool in your highly educated arsenal, spells the difference between stellar and mediocre team performance. Fear, anger, frustration, and other negative feelings can endanger a group's dynamic. But positive emotions have the power to transform it into a high-performance engine. Their minds sharpen. They find creative solutions. Everyone operates at their peak.Drawing on the latest research, Primal Teams shows how anyone can control potentially damaging emotions, while triggering the kind of passion and energy that supercharge performance. Illustrated with compelling examples, this groundbreaking guide reveals how to: • Transform fear and negativity• Energize primal emotional systems• Activate insight and intuition• Foster emotional bonds and team spirit• Connect the team to a deeper purpose• And moreDon’t let your team’s performance hinge on what side of the bed someone woke up on. With the array of insights and practical tools in this one-of-a-kind resource, you can learn how to inspire an unprecedented level of performance by harnessing the power of positive emotion.
ISBN: 9780814434413
Publication Date: 2014
Project Teams: A Structured Development Approach by Vittal S. AnantatmulaProjects generally require skills and effort from multiple disciplines to develop project deliverables. Projects are executed in teams, as project tasks require multiple skills, judgment, and experience. Project teams roles should be assigned based on strengths of individuals. Project team process is a mediating mechanism linking variables such as members, team, and organizational characteristics that include structure, culture, supporting systems, performance and incentive systems, employee morality, and top management support. Team performance or teamwork is impacted by the structure of a team. Team structural characteristics include the number of team members, the status hierarchy, roles and responsibilities, and accepted norms for behaviors of individuals within the team. Further, understanding characteristics of virtual teams and their key attributes for improving global project performance are of critical importance. Social and behavioral skills that each person brings are important influencing factors in interactions with other team members and in forming a cohesive and productive team. Also, organization and national cultures influence their behaviors. Project Teams is an attempt to address all these topics in detail and offer a practical approach to managing projects successfully in the current business environment by including concepts, processes, techniques, and tools to manage and enhance performance of project teams and projects. This book would be meaningful for project management professionals and project managers in any organization and can be a useful resource for academic institutions in teaching management and project management disciplines.
ISBN: 9781631571633
Publication Date: 2016-04-27
Rookie Mistakes: advice from top executives on 5 critical leadership errors by Mike McHargue
Call Number: HD57.7 .M44 2018
ISBN: 9781612061733
Publication Date: 2018-10-16
Trust in Virtual Teams : Organization, Strategies and Assurance for Successful Projects by Thomas P. WiseAs projects become more complex and the project teams are more geographically and culturally dispersed, so strong, trusting relationships come to the fore. Trust provides the security that enables project teams to work together effectively, even when they face project-threatening problems and challenges. Because today's team members work virtually as much by choice as by geographic necessity, business leaders must understand how team relationships such as trust, cross-divisional projects, and how offshore team participation are all positively motivated by a solid quality assurance program. Offering real world solutions, Trust in Virtual Teams provides a clear view of how virtual projects can succeed, and how quality assurance compliments and promotes effective organizational design and project management to build solid trust relationships. Dr Wise combines the latest research in virtual team trust with simple and proven quality methods. He builds upon more than 20 years of experience in quality and project work to guide team managers in creating high performing project teams. Our understanding of the role human factors play in project performance and project resilience continues to grow. As it does, so does our need to address the behaviors and culture that enable good performance. Tom Wise's book is a thoughtful and pragmatic guide to help project teams and managers do just that.
ISBN: 9781317006183
Publication Date: 2016
Working Virtually : transforming the mobile workplace by Trina Hoefling
Call Number: HD30.2122 .H64 2017
ISBN: 9781620362914
Publication Date: 2017
A World Without Email : reimagining work in an age of communication overload by Cal NewportOutlines recommendations for business leaders on how to maximize a working team's professional productivity by improving administrative support and streamlining digital traffic.
Call Number: HE7551 .N48 2021
ISBN: 9780525536550
Publication Date: 2021
Streaming Video
Conscious Business Module 2: Creating Fulfilling Relationships & Great Teams (4 parts)In this 2nd module of the Conscious Business Institute Leadership Program, you will understand the building blocks for well-functioning relationships and teams. You will learn about two important principles that are the foundation for any positive relationship, discover how to effectively communicate in conflict and pressure situations, and how to create a collaborative team culture driven by accountability and responsibility. Developed by experts in human behavior and consciousness, executives and advisors to top business leaders and politicians, this Module uses the experiences from the most successful people and organizations to help you improve the way you work and lead.
Enhancing TeamworkChallenging times brought a critical emphasis on building successful teams. This program breaks down the four different stages that developing teams go through, and the critical ever-changing roles of the team members. By putting a business team under the microscope in a team-building exercise with Guy Moxley from Team Building Australia, this program exposes the bare-boned mechanics of how teams form, function, and how they can reach new heights of performance. Stages include: the making of the team, developing the team, the conflicted and inhibited team, and team reflection and celebration.
Global Scenarios (4 parts)Using role plays and real-world scenarios, this series teaches aspects of communication and team building in a multicultural world.
ICT Project ManagementHow is a good idea for a computer application turned into a tangible, functioning product? This program studies the iPod and iPad app development team at Bjango to show how an information and communication technology project is successfully managed. The video follows the stages from conception and planning to building, testing, implementing, and evaluating the finished product, looking at the personnel, tools, and methodologies used along the way. Gantt charts, collaborative software, systems analysis and planning tools, and formal documentation are shown in action, and the importance of teamwork and conflict resolution is emphasized. A viewable/printable worksheet is available online. (20 minutes)
Managing a Design ProjectThe key to a successful design project is ensuring it is managed effectively from start to finish. This expert-led program takes viewers through the various elements involved in managing design projects, such as establishing a project plan, an action plan, a time plan, and a finance plan; how to apply and evaluate those plans; and design project constraints. The video also highlights the need for ongoing project assessments, and for consideration of increasingly important factors such as environmental impact. A viewable/printable worksheet is available online.
Strategy DevelopmentIn this video, Cutting Edge team members discuss how to manage projects effectively. Barney wants Sanjay to increase his internet presence, but Sanjay has failed to define the scope or requirements of the task and is constantly running late on deadlines. Barney threatens to take his business elsewhere; he believes that when you are under pressure you have to be able to solve problems. Tammy believes projects need clear objectives and everyone must have the same information. Carol and Marcus workshop how to manage projects for the best outcome, leaving the client happy and the project manager satisfied.
Planning and Scheduling for ResultsJan Durrans shares her strategies to be organized and achieve results: • Be organized to complete work efficiently • Commit to a regular written plan • Identify tasks to complete • Prioritize: A, B & C • Be specific in a weekly planner • Schedule tasks in calendar • Workbook with printed calendar • Chunking down projects • Allocating tougher tasks • Handling additional tasks • Regular review & accountability • 1-31 daily organization for follow-up • Discipline & mindset for success • Key tips.
Project Management FundamentalsManager Liz (Dawn French) organizes an office move and makes several common mistakes. She fails to properly define the project's objectives, her team's responsibilities are not agreed on, and the project is in danger of failing. She learns the key stages of successful project management and successfully completes the project. This video focuses on project teams and project mechanics.
Project Management Success FactorsThough your job title may not be project manager, chances are you periodically manage a specific project and need to ensure it is successfully completed on time, within budget, and to the agreed specification. This video explores project management and focuses on why projects fail, lack of planning, motivation undermined, unrealistic schedules, and lack of buy-in from stakeholders. It also includes the five success factors, including thorough project planning, managing project teams successfully, managing the details, keeping stakeholders happy, and resolving problems. Viewable/printable educational materials are available online. (14 minutes)
TeamworkWhat can be achieved by an effective team is usually considerably greater than what the individuals within that team working separately could achieve. Functional and cohesive teams are often the key to the success of a business or enterprise. This film explores various aspects of teamwork, firstly looking at different types of teams, then a brief coverage of the nine various roles within teams proposed by team management theorist, Meredith Belbin in the 1980s. Conflict within teams and developing effective teams and evaluating their performance are also examined. This resource, featuring two interviewees who offer some fascinating insights, as well as some street interviews, is ideal for students of business and related disciplines.
Understanding Group DynamicsMost people have little or no understanding of group dynamics. Yet groups such as project or virtual teams are increasingly being used at work. In order to manage or influence these groups, it’s important first to understand how group dynamics work. This video helps viewers distinguish between content and process; it also teaches the main elements of group dynamics, how to influence group dynamics, and how to understand more about group dynamics. Viewable/printable educational materials are available online. (15 minutes)