Trail of Tears: A Native American Documentary Collection by Chip Richie
Trail of tears : Cherokee legacy: Documents the forced removal in 1838 of the Cherokee Nation from the southeastern United States to Oklahoma. Shows the suffering endured by the Cherokees as they lost their land and the difficult conditions they endured on the trail. Describes how thousands of Cherokees died during the Trail of Tears, nearly a quarter of the nation, including most of their children and elders.
Black Indians: Explores issues of racial identity between the mixed-descent peoples of both Native American and African American heritage. James Earl Jones is himself a Black Indian.
Native American healing in the 21st century: Learn from today's respected physicians the crossover of ancient native remedies to present-day medical practices. Explore for healing plants and herbs. Learn from tribal elders traditional healing practices and philosophies. Discover the contents of a recently found 350-year-old medicine bag. Compare the similarities of Native American and Chinese healing.
Our spirits don't speak English: Imagine you are a child, taken from your home, your family, taken from everything you know. In 1869, the U.S. government enacted a policy of educating Native American children in the ways of western society. By the late 1960's, more than 100,000 had been forced to attend Indian Boarding School.
Call Number: DVD E77.T73 2009 PT. 1-2
Publication Date: 2009