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United States History: 1800-1899 Timeline


1800 (October 1) Third Treaty of San Ildefonos (Louisiana passes from Spain to France)

1803 Louisiana Purchase

1804 (July 11) Aaron Burr / Alexander Hamilton Duel

1804-1806 Lewis and Clark Expedition

1810 Fletcher v. Peck Supreme Court Decision

1811 -1837 National (Cumberland) Road constructed

1812 War of 1812

1814 (August 24) Burning of Washington, D.C.

1814 (December 24) Treaty of Ghent (Ended War of 1812)

1816 (February) - 1836 (January) Second Bank of the United States

1817 Harvard Law School Founded

1818 Jackson Purchase

1819 (March 6) McCulloch v. Maryland

1820 Missouri Compromise

1824 Fort Vancouver (Washington)

1824 (March 11) Bureau of Indian Affairs formed


1829-1831 Petticoat Affair

1830-1850 Trail of Tears

1831 (August 21-23) Nat Turner's Rebellion

1832 (March 23) Worcester v. Georgia

1832 (April 6 - August 27) Black Hawk War

1832 (December 28) John C. Calhoun resigns as Vice President

1835 "Democracy in America" published by Alexis de Tocqueville

1835 Oberlin College first college to admit students without respect to race as a matter of official policy and in 1837 the first coeducational college in the U.S.

1836 (Feb. 23 to March 6) Siege of the Alamo

1836 (May 26) Gag Resolutions used to block anti-slavery petitions

1838-1839 Aroostook War (Pork and Beans War)

1839-1841 Amistad case

1842 (May 16) First wagon train leaves Elm Grove, Missouri following Oregon Trail

1844 (May 24) First message sent over Washington D.C. to Baltimore telegraph line by Morse and associates

1845 (March 3) Florida enters the Union (27th state)

Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

1846-1847 Donner Party

1848 (January 24) -1855 California Gold Rush

1848-1920 Women's Suffrage Movement


1850 (June 3-11) Nashville Convention

1850 Clear Lake Massacre (California)

1850-1890 Plains Wars

1852 "Uncle Tom's Cabin" published

1855-1857 Walker Affair in Nicaragua

c1855-1900 Third Great Awakening

1856 (October 28) Baker Island (unincorporated US territory)

1857 "The Impending Crisis of the South" published

1857-1858 Utah War

1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates

1858 (February 27) Jarvis Island annexed by United States

1858 (March 19) Johnston Atoll

1858 (October 31) Navassa Island ( US Territory disputed)

1858 (December 3) Howland Island (Unorganzied, unincorporated US Territory)

1859 (Spring) Comstock Lode discovered in Nevada

1859 (September 6) Johnston Atoll (unorganzied, unincorporated US Territory)

1859 (October 16-18) John Brown raids Harpers Ferry

1860 (February 8) Kingman Reef / Danger Rock (US Territory)

1860 (April 3) - 1861 (October) Pony Express

1861 (March 2) Morrill Tariff

1861-1865 Civil War

1863 (January 1) Emancipation Proclomation

1863-1869 First Transcontinental Railroad

1864 (October 31) Nevada enters the Union (36th state)

1864 (November 29) Sand Creek Massacre

1865 (April 9) Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House

1865 (April 14) Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

1865-1877 Reconstruction

1867 Midway Atoll (unorganized, unincorporated US Territory)

1868 (February 24 - May 26) Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

1869 (November 22) Bajo Nuevo Bank / Petrel Island (disputed annexed US territory)

1869 First Transcontinental Railroad completed (begun 1863)

1872 (May 22) Amnesty Act

1874-1875 Red River War


1876-1877 Great Sioux War of 1876

1876 (June 25-26) Battle of Little Big Horn

1877 Thomas Edison invents the Phonograph (predecessor to the record player)

1877 (June - October) Nez Perce War

1877-1965 Jim Crow Laws

1878 - 1879 Electric Light developed by Thomas Edison

1879 (September 8) Serranilla Bank (unorganized unincorporated US Territory - disputed)

1882 (September 4) Edison opens Pearl Street Station providing electricity to first customers in lower Manhattan

1889 (May 31) Johnstown Flood (Pennsylvania)

1889 (November 2) North Dakota enters the Union (39th state)

1889 (November 2) South Dakota enters the Union (40th state)

1889 (November 8) Montana enters into the Union (41st state)

1889 (November 11) Washington enters into the Union (42nd state)

1890 (July 3) Idaho enters the Union (43rd state)

1890 (July 10) Wyoming enters the Union (44th state)

1896 (January 4) Utah enters the Union (45th state)

1898 (April 21 - August 13) Spanish-American War

1898 (November 10) Wilmington massacre of 1898

1898 (December 10) - 1946 (July 4) American rule of the Philippines

1898 Newlands Resolution / Annexation of Hawaii

1898 Guam (unincorporated and organized US Territory)

1898 Palmyra Atoll (unorganized incorporated US Territory)

1899 (January 17) Wake Island (unorganzied unincorporated US Territory)

1899 (February 4) - 1902 (July 2) Philipine-American War

1899 (April 11) Puerto Rico (unincorporated US Territory)