Hot Carbon : carbon-14 and a revolution in science by John F. MarraThere are few fields of science that carbon-14 has not touched. A radioactive isotope of carbon, it stands out for its unusually long half-life. Best known for its application to estimating the age of artifacts--carbon dating--carbon-14 helped reveal new chronologies of human civilization and geological time. Everything containing carbon, the basis of all life, could be placed in time according to the clock of radioactive decay, with research applications ranging from archeology to oceanography to climatology. In Hot Carbon, John F. Marra tells the untold story of this scientific revolution. He weaves together the workings of the many disciplines that employ carbon-14 with gripping tales of the individuals who pioneered its possibilities. He describes the concrete applications of carbon-14 to the study of all the stuff of life on earth, from climate science's understanding of change over time to his own work on oceanic photosynthesis with microscopic phytoplankton. Marra's engaging narrative encompasses nuclear testing, the peopling of the Americas, elephant poaching, and the flax plants used for the linen in the Shroud of Turin. Combining colorful narrative prose with accessible explanations of fundamental science, Hot Carbon is a thought-provoking exploration of how the power of carbon-14 informs our relationship to the past.
Call Number: QD181.C1 M37 2019
ISBN: 9780231186704
Publication Date: 2019-06-25
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry by J. J. Lagowski
Call Number: REFERENCE QD4.M33 1997 (4 vols)
ISBN: 0028972252
Publication Date: 1997
Stuff Matters: exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world by Mark Miodownik; Sarah Hunt Cooke (Other Primary Creator); Sarah Scarlett (Other Primary Creator)Why is glass see-through? What makes elastic stretchy? Why does a paperclip bend? Why does any material look and behave the way it does? With clarity and humor, world-leading materials scientist Mark Miodownik answers all the questions you've ever had about your pens, spoons, and razor blades, while also introducing a whole world full of materials you've never even heard of: the diamond five times the size of Earth; concrete cloth that can be molded into any shape; and graphene, the thinnest, strongest, stiffest material in existence--only a single atom thick. Stuff Matters tells enthralling stories that explain the science and history of materials. From the teacup to the jet engine, the silicon chip to the paper clip, the plastic in our appliances to the elastic in our underpants, Miodownik reveals the miracles of engineering that permeate our lives. As engaging as it is incisive, Stuff Matters will make you see the materials that surround you with new eyes
Chemistry in the Garden by James Ralph Hanson; Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Staff (Contribution by)
Call Number: QK861.H36 2009
ISBN: 9781847559579
Publication Date: 2009-06-18
The Genie in the Bottle by Joe Schwarcz
Call Number: QD37.S39 2002
ISBN: 0805071385
Publication Date: 2002-07-01
Molecules That Amaze Us by Paul May; Simon Anthony Cottonpresents the stories behind many of the most famous and infamous molecules that make up our modern world. Examples include the molecule responsible for the spicy heat in chilies (capsaicin), the world's first synthetic painkiller (aspirin), the pigment responsible for the color of autumn leaves (carotene), the explosive in dynamite (nitroglycerine), the antimalarial drug (quinine), the drug known as "speed" (methamphetamine), and many others. Other molecules discussed include caffeine, adrenaline, cholesterol, cocaine, digitalis, dopamine, glucose, insulin, methane, nicotine, oxytocin, penicillin, carbon dioxide, limonene, and testosterone. In all, the book includes 67 sections, each describing a different molecule, what it does, how it is made, and why it is so interesting. Written by experts in the field, the book is accessible and easy to read. It includes amusing anecdotes, historical curiosities, and entertaining facts about each molecule, thereby balancing educational content with entertainment. The book is heavily illustrated with relevant photographs, images, and cartoons--the aim being both to educate and entertain.
Call Number: QD37.M39 2015
ISBN: 9781466589605
Publication Date: 2014-10-23
Molecules That Changed the World by K. C. Nicolaou; T. Montagnon; Tamsyn Montagnon; Nobel Laureate (Foreword by); E. J. Corey (Foreword by); R. Noyori (Foreword by)
Call Number: LARGE QD262.N53 2008
ISBN: 3527309837
Publication Date: 2008-03-25
Monkeys, Myths and Molecules : separating fact from fiction in the science of everyday life by Joe SchwarczThe bestselling popular science author “has made it his mission to tackle myths about science and the so-called experts who spread them” (CBC Radio). The internet is a powerful beast when it comes to science; the answer to any query you may have is just a few keystrokes away. But when there are multiple answers from various sources, how do we know what information is reliable? In Monkeys, Myths, and Molecules, bestselling author Dr. Joe Schwarcz takes a critical look at how facts are misconstrued in the media. He debunks the myths surrounding canned food, artificial dyes, SPF, homeopathy, cancer, chemicals, and much more. Unafraid to expose the sheer nonsense people are led to believe about health, food, drugs, and our environment, Dr. Joe confronts pseudoscience and convincingly and entertainingly advocates for a scientific approach to everyday life. “A compendium of short articles on a variety of subjects, written in a humorous, accessible style, and larded with intriguing trivia . . . Dr. Joe skewers food myths, opposition to GMOs, Dr. Oz, and Vani Hari, aka the Food Babe.” —Science-Based Medicine “Ultimately, the author successfully demonstrates how claims should be queried and analyzed before they are accepted . . . Recommended for readers of health, nutrition, and popular science.” —Library Journal “The book is chock-full of captivating anecdotes . . . The author engages readers with his wit and wisdom.” —The Canadian Jewish News
ISBN: 9781770907010
Publication Date: 2015-05-01
Napoleon's Buttons by Penny Le Couteur; Jay Burreson
Call Number: QD37.L43 2004
ISBN: 1585423319
Publication Date: 2004-05-24
Stories of the Invisible: A Guided Tour of Molecules by Philip BallWhy is glass see-through? What makes elastic stretchy? Why does a paperclip bend? Why does any material look and behave the way it does? With clarity and humor, world-leading materials scientist Mark Miodownik answers all the questions you've ever had about your pens, spoons, and razor blades, while also introducing a whole world full of materials you've never even heard of: the diamond five times the size of Earth; concrete cloth that can be molded into any shape; and graphene, the thinnest, strongest, stiffest material in existence--only a single atom thick. Stuff Matters tells enthralling stories that explain the science and history of materials. From the teacup to the jet engine, the silicon chip to the paper clip, the plastic in our appliances to the elastic in our underpants, Miodownik reveals the miracles of engineering that permeate our lives. As engaging as it is incisive, Stuff Matters will make you see the materials that surround you with new eyes
Call Number: QD461.B35 200
ISBN: 0192802143
Publication Date: 2001-10-25
Why There's Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste: the chemistry of household ingredients by Simon Quellen FieldExplaining why antifreeze is a component of toothpaste and how salt works in shampoo, this fascinating handbook delves into the chemistry of everyday household products. Decoding more than 150 cryptic ingredients, the guide explains each component's structural formula, offers synonymous names, and describes its common uses. This informative resource can serve curious readers as a basic primer to commercial chemistry or as an indexed reference for specific compounds found on a product label. Grouped according to type, these chemical descriptions will dissolve common misunderstandings and help make consumers more product savvy
Call Number: QD471.F54 2008
ISBN: 9781556526978
Publication Date: 2007-11-01
Inorganic Chemistry
The Facts on File Dictionary of Inorganic Chemistry by John DaintithMastering chemistry requires familiarity with a specialized, technical vocabulary. Inorganic chemistry is one of two fairly distinct parts of chemistry, the other being organic chemistry. It is generally studied separately from organic chemistry and, above a certain level, students need different textbooks for the two branches of the discipline.
ISBN: 9781438109459
Publication Date: 2009
A Guide to Chalcogen-Nitrogen Chemistry by Tristram ChiversChalcogen-nitrogen chemistry involves the study of compounds that exhibit a linkage between nitrogen and sulfur, selenium or tellurium atoms. Such studies have both fundamental and practical importance. A Guide to Chalcogen-Nitrogen Chemistry examines the role of chalcogen-nitrogen compounds in areas ranging from solid-state inorganic chemistry to biochemistry. The discussion covers fundamental questions concerning the bonding in electron-rich systems, as well as potential practical applications of polymers and materials with novel magnetic or electrical properties. This book is the only account of this important topic to appear in the last twenty-five years, and coupled with its extensive literature coverage of very recent developments, this comprehensive guide is essential for anyone working in the field. The treatment is unique in providing a comparison of sulfur, selenium and tellurium systems, with an approach intended to emphasize general concepts that will be helpful to the non-specialist. Each chapter is designed to be self-contained, and there are extensive cross-references between chapters.
Inorganic Micro- and Nanomaterials by Angela Dibenedetto (Editor); Michele Aresta (Editor)The demand for new materials with novel properties on the micro- and nano-scale continues to grow. This book provides an overview of state-of-the-art techniques for the synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanomaterials including sonochemistry, microwave dielectric heating, sonoelectrochemistry and RAPET, high-throughput experimentation in heterogeneous catalyst research, photoluminescence, and methods for surface structuring. Imaging techniques include X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray microimaging (SAXS,WAXS & GISAXS), electron microscopy, and solid state NMR. The work is essential reading for all researchers in academia and industry working in the field of nanosciences.
ISBN: 9783110306668
Publication Date: 2013-09-17
Inorganic Trace Analytics by Henryk Matusiewicz (Contribution by); Ewa Bulska (Contribution by)Highly accurate chemical speciation is of great importance in environmental, clinical, and food sciences, as well as in archaeometry. Trace analysis via atomic spectrometry, mass spectroscopy, gas chromatography, electron microprobing, or X-ray absorption spectroscopy provides detailed information on surface and sub-surface domain of samples. The book comprehensively presents modern techniques, timely application, and data modeling.
ISBN: 9783110371949
Publication Date: 2017-12-18
Microwave Chemistry by Giancarlo Cravotto (Editor)Microwave Chemistry has changed the way to work in chemical laboratories and is an established state-of-the-art technology to accelarate and enhance chemical processes. This book not only gives an overview of the technology, its historical development and theoretical background, but also presents its exceptionally broad spectrum of applications. Microwave Chemistry enables graduate students and scientist to learn and apply its methods successfully.
ISBN: 9783110479928
Publication Date: 2017-09-25
Forensic Chemistry
Forensic Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications by Jay SiegelForensic Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications presents a new approach to the study of applications of chemistry to forensic science. It is edited by one of the leading forensic scientists with each chapter written by international experts specializing in their respective fields, and presents the applications of chemistry, especially analytical chemistry, to various topics that make up the forensic scientists toolkit. This comprehensive, textbook includes in-depth coverage of the major topics in forensic chemistry including: illicit drugs, fibers, fire and explosive residues, soils, glass and paints, the chemistry of fingerprint recovery on porous surfaces, the chemistry of firearms analysis, as well as two chapters on the key tools of forensic science, microscopy and chemometrics. Each topic is explored at an advanced college level, with an emphasis, throughout the text, on the use of chemical tools in evidence analysis. Forensic Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications is essential reading for advanced students of forensic science and analytical chemistry, as well as forensic science practitioners, researchers and faculty, and anyone who wants to learn about the fascinating subject of forensic chemistry in some depth. This book is published as part of the AAFS series 'Forensic Science in Focus'.
ISBN: 9781118897744
Publication Date: 2015-10-05
Molecules of Murder: criminal molecules and classic cases by John EmsleyMolecules of Murder is about infamous murderers and famous victims; about people like Harold Shipman, Alexander Litvinenko, Adelaide Bartlett, and Georgi Markov. Few books on poisons analyse these crimes from the viewpoint of the poison itself, doing so throws a new light on how the murders or attempted murders were carried out and ultimately how the perpetrators were uncovered and brought to justice." "Part I includes molecules which occur naturally and were originally used by doctors before becoming notorious as murder weapons. Part II deals with unnatural molecules, mainly man-made, and they too have been dangerously misused in famous crimes. The book ends with the most famous poisoning case in recent years, that of Alexander Litvinenko and his death from polonium chloride." "The first half of each chapter starts by looking at the target molecule itself, its discovery, its history, its chemistry, its use in medicine, its toxicology, and its effects on the human body. The second half then investigates a famous murder case and reveals the modus operandi of the poisoner and how some were caught, some are still at large, and some literally got away with murder." "Molecules of Murder will explain how forensic chemists have developed cunning ways to detect minute traces of dangerous substances, and explain why some of these poisons, which appear so life-threatening, are now being researched as possible life-savers.
Call Number: RA1220.3.E47 2008
ISBN: 9780854049653
Publication Date: 2008-08-01
The Poisoner's Handbook: murder and the birth of forensic medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah BlumThe untold story of how poison rocked Jazz Age New York City. A pair of forensic scientists began their trailblazing chemical detective work, fighting to end an era when untraceable poisons offered an easy path to the perfect crime.
Call Number: HV6555.U52 B58 2011
ISBN: 9780143118824
Publication Date: 2011-01-25
The Elements
The Disappearing Spoon: and other true tales of madness, love, and the history of the world from the periodic table of the elements by Sam KeanThe periodic table of the elements is a crowning scientific achievement, but it's also a treasure trove of passion, adventure, obsession, and betrayal. These tales follow carbon, neon, silicon, gold, and all the elements in the table as they play out their parts in human history. The usual suspects are here, like Marie Curie (and her radioactive journey to the discovery of polonium and radium) and William Shockley (who is credited, not exactly justly, with the discovery of the silicon transistor)--but the more obscure characters provide some of the best stories, like Paul Emile François Lecoq de Boisbaudran, whose discovery of gallium, a metal with a low melting point, gives this book its title: a spoon made of gallium will melt in a cup of tea.
Call Number: QD466.K43 2010
ISBN: 9780316051644
Publication Date: 2010-07-12
The Elements: the new guide to the building blocks of our universe by Jack ChallonerTakes you on a gorgeously illustrated tour of the Periodic Table. Filled with fascinating information about the elements, their main compounds, and their principal uses, this authoritative yet accessible book, written by renowned popular-science writer Jack Challoner, makes "hard" science easy, interesting, and relevant to our daily lives.
Call Number: QD466.C483 2012
ISBN: 9781780971254
Publication Date: 2012-10-02
The Periodic Table: a very short introduction by Eric ScerriThe periodic table is an iconic symbol of science, and an understanding of it is essential to the physical sciences. In this volume the author presents an exploration of the periodic table in the physical sciences, considering the deeper implications of the arrangements of the table to atomic physics and quantum mechanics. He shows how this scientific knowledge about the elements was gained and considers its wider meaning. He introduces the significant figures in the development of the periodic table, as well as key ideas about early atomic theory and quantum mechanics. Also considered is the debated question of whether there is an optimal periodic table, and if so, what form it might take.
Call Number: QD467.S284 2011
ISBN: 9780199582495
Publication Date: 2012-01-13
Periodic Table: Advanced by Marck JacksonThe ultimate reference tool and lab partner for any student of science, durably laminated, authored and designed to fit as much info as possible in this handy 6-page format. Separate property tables are broken out for the ease of locating trends while studying and working while other pages offer essential notes about the table’s organization and history. Consistently, a best seller since it’s first creation, the lamination means you will have it for life and it can survive through chem lab. Topics covered include: 11 by 17 Inch Sized Periodic Table Extensive Properties Per Element on the Main Table Color Coded Diagram of a Table Square Defining Properties Major Families of Elements Biochemical Periodic Table Example of Long Version Table Periodic Trend Tables: Electronegativity Atomic Radius 1st Ionization Potential Electron Affinity Chemical Properties & Common Uses Major Natural Isotopes with Percentage of Occurrence
Periodic Tales by Hugh Aldersey-WilliamsIn the spirit of 'A short history of nearly everything, ' an energetic and wide-ranging book of discovery and discoverers, of exploitation and celebration, and of superstition and science, all in search of the ways the chemical elements are woven into our culture, history, and language
Call Number: QD467.A43 2012
ISBN: 0061824739
Publication Date: 2012-02-28
Seven elements that changed the world : an adventure of ingenuity and discovery by John BrowneCombining true stories from the worlds of history, science, and politics, describes how the use of seven elements--iron, carbon, gold, silver, uranium, titanium, and silicon--has changed the world for both the better and worse.
Call Number: QD466.B76 2014
ISBN: 1605985406
Publication Date: 2014-03-01
Seven Elements That Have Shaped the World: an adventure of ingenuity and discovery by John BrowneCombining true stories from the worlds of history, science, and politics, describes how the use of seven elements--iron, carbon, gold, silver, uranium, titanium, and silicon--has changed the world for both the better and worse.
Industrial Organic Chemistry by Mark Anthony BenvenutoIndustrial Organic Chemistry examines all major industrial manufacturing technologies and reaction types with a focus on organic chemistry in general and petroleum refining in particular. The author takes a systematic approach to introducing the most important classes of organic compounds, from the C1 fraction through to polyaromatics and polymers. The author introduces biological sources for key compounds such as fuel and plastics and compares these bio-based organic materials to the corresponding petroleum-based chemicals. In addition to the chemistry behind processes in the petroleum, pharma, food and agrochemical industries, this book also discusses related topics such as process selectivity, waste management, and product purification.
ISBN: 9783110494464
Publication Date: 2017-10-23
Organic Chemistry : Structure, Mechanism, and Synthesis by Robert J. Ouellette; J. David RawnOrganic Chemistry provides a comprehensive discussion of the basic principles of organic chemistry in their relation to a host of other fields in both physical and biological sciences. This book is written based on the premise that there are no shortcuts in organic chemistry, and that understanding and mastery cannot be achieved without devoting adequate time and attention to the theories and concepts of the discipline. It lays emphasis on connecting the basic principles of organic chemistry to real world challenges that require analysis, not just recall. This text covers topics ranging from structure and bonding in organic compounds to functional groups and their properties; identification of functional groups by infrared spectroscopy; organic reaction mechanisms; structures and reactions of alkanes and cycloalkanes; nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions; conjugated alkenes and allylic systems; electrophilic aromatic substitution; carboxylic acids; and synthetic polymers. Throughout the book, principles logically evolve from one to the next, from the simplest to the most complex examples, with abundant connections between the text and real world applications. There are extensive examples of biological relevance, along with a chapter on organometallic chemistry not found in other standard references. This book will be of interest to chemists, life scientists, food scientists, pharmacists, and students in the physical and life sciences. Contains extensive examples of biological relevance Includes an important chapter on organometallic chemistry not found in other standard references Extended, illustrated glossary Appendices on thermodynamics, kinetics, and transition state theory
ISBN: 9780128007808
Publication Date: 2014-06-23
Organic Chemistry Study Guide by Robert J. Ouellette; J. David RawnOrganic Chemistry Study Guide: Key Concepts, Problems, and Solutions features hundreds of problems from the companion book, Organic Chemistry, and includes solutions for every problem. Key concept summaries reinforce critical material from the primary book and enhance mastery of this complex subject. Organic chemistry is a constantly evolving field that has great relevance for all scientists, not just chemists. For chemical engineers, understanding the properties of organic molecules and how reactions occur is critically important to understanding the processes in an industrial plant. For biologists and health professionals, it is essential because nearly all of biochemistry springs from organic chemistry. Additionally, all scientists can benefit from improved critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are developed from the study of organic chemistry. Organic chemistry, like any "skill", is best learned by doing. It is difficult to learn by rote memorization, and true understanding comes only from concentrated reading, and working as many problems as possible. In fact, problem sets are the best way to ensure that concepts are not only well understood, but can also be applied to real-world problems in the work place. Helps readers learn to categorize, analyze, and solve organic chemistry problems at all levels of difficulty Hundreds of fully-worked practice problems, all with solutions Key concept summaries for every chapter reinforces core content from the companion book
What's Cooking in Chemistry? : how leading chemists succeed in the kitchen by Les Bell; Carlos E. Güntner (Editor); Hubertus P. Bell (Editor); Tim Feuerstein (Editor); Sören Hölsken (Editor); Jan Klaas Lohmann (Editor)
by Ross Sempek
Last Updated May 8, 2024
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Education in ChemistryChemistry instructors at a variety of levels may be interested in Education in Chemistry, the web version of a magazine for teachers published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Here, readers can view all of the magazine's articles and digital resources published since 2007. Content is organized into three main sections: classroom, which offers teaching tips and resources such as videos; staffroom, where readers will find career and administrative advice; and science, which offers articles on contemporary chemistry applications and contexts to help pique students' interest, many of which also include classroom resources. Visitors can also search the site by keyword, browse by topic, or view content by magazine issue. It should be noted that after viewing a few articles, full access to Education in Chemistry's online content requires registration for a free account, which also enables the reader to create their own library of favorite articles.