Advances in Food Science and Technology by Sabu Thomas (Editor); Visakh P. M. (Editor); Laura B. Iturriaga (Editor); Pablo Daniel Ribotta (Editor)This book comprehensively reviews research on new developments in all areas of food chemistry/science and technology. It covers topics such as food safety objectives, risk assessment, quality assurance and control, good manufacturing practices, food process systems design and control and rapid methods of analysis and detection, as well as sensor technology, environmental control and safety. The book focuses on food chemistry and examines chemical and mechanical modifications to generate novel properties, functions, and applications.
ISBN: 9781118121023
Publication Date: 2013-03-04
Alternatives to Conventional Food Processing by Andrew Proctor (Editor)This multi-authored book is edited by an expert in the field and includes chapters from international contributors. It is fully cross disciplinary relating green principles to the food industry, covering legal and policy issues, engineering, food processing and food science. It addresses the alternatives to conventional food processing that have reduced energy requirements or solvent use and how they affect final food quality. Initially, the principles of green chemistry and technologies are outlined to provide a justification and basis for the processing methods that are addressed. This is followed by a discussion of legal and policy issues in both the EU and the US which provide further justification for the need for such technologies and the constraints and benefits of current policies and regulations. The major green technologies available to the food industry are discussed, outlining the main principles and applications of each. The degree to which they are already in commercial use and developments needed to extend their use further are also covered.
ISBN: 9781849730372
Publication Date: 2010-12-16
Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants by Yiu-Chung Wong (Editor); Richard J. Lewis (Editor); Richard J. Lewis (Editor)Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants consists of five sections, providing up-to-date descriptions of the analytical approaches used to detect a range of food toxins. Part I reviews the recent developments in analytical technology including sample pre-treatment and food additives. Part II covers the novel analysis of microbial and plant toxins including plant pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Part III focuses on marine toxins in fish and shellfish. Part IV discusses biogenic amines and common food toxicants, such as pesticides and heavy metals. Part V summarizes quality assurance and the recent developments in regulatory limits for toxins, toxicants and allergens, including discussions on laboratory accreditation and reference materials.
ISBN: 9781118992722
Publication Date: 2017-09-25
Cereal Grain-Based Functional Foods : Carbohydrate and Phytochemical Components by Trust Beta (Editor); Mary Ellen Camire (Editor)Globally, cereal grains are a staple part of the diet providing primarily carbohydrates and other phytochemical components. Detailed coverage of the composition and functionality of the bulk carbohydrate components, specifically starch, beta-glucans, and arabinoxylans, and the trace phytochemical components, i.e. phenolic compounds such as phenolic acids, anthocyanins, deoxyanthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins in cereal grains and grain products is provided. Considerable attention is paid to the interactions between carbohydrate and non-carbohydrate components in grains including starch–protein and starch–lipid interactions and their effects on starch digestibility. The phenolic constituents bound to grain dietary fiber also receive detailed consideration and the final chapter presents a review that discusses whole grain–gut microbiota interactions identifying new areas of research that may contribute to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms linked to human health. This book provides researchers, clinicians and students with a comprehensive compendium on aspects of whole grain components and brings the literature up to date.
ISBN: 9781788011488
Publication Date: 2018-09-10
Chemical Changes in Food During Processing by Thomas Richardson (Editor); John W. Finley (Editor)
Call Number: TP372.5.C42 1985
ISBN: 9780870555046
Publication Date: 1986-03-31
Commercial Fruit Processing by Jasper G. Woodroof (Editor); Bor S. Luh (Editor)
Call Number: TP440.C736 1986
ISBN: 9780870555022
Publication Date: 1986-03-01
Commercial Vegetable Processing by B. S. Luh; J. G. Woodroof
Call Number: TP443.C736 1988
ISBN: 9780442258511
Publication Date: 1988-07-01
Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies by Suvendu Bhattacharya (Editor)Food processing technologies are an essential link in the food chain. These technologies are many and varied, changing in popularity with changing consumption patterns and product popularity. Newer process technologies are also being evolved to provide the added advantages. Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies fuses the practical (application, machinery), theoretical (model, equation) and cutting-edge (recent trends), making it ideal for industrial, academic and reference use. It consists of two sections, one covering conventional or well-established existing processes and the other covering emerging or novel process technologies that are expected to be employed in the near future for the processing of foods in the commercial sector. All are examined in great detail, considering their current and future applications with added examples and the very latest data. Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies is a comprehensive treatment of the current state of knowledge on food processing technology. In its extensive coverage, and the selection of reputed research scientists who have contributed to each topic, this book will be a definitive text in this field for students, food professionals and researchers.
ISBN: 9781118406311
Publication Date: 2014-09-04
Decontamination of Fresh and Minimally Processed Produce by Vicente M. Gómez-LópezAttempts to provide safer and higher quality fresh and minimally processed produce have given rise to a wide variety of decontamination methods, each of which have been extensively researched in recent years. Decontamination of Fresh and Minimally Processed Produce is the first book to provide a systematic view of the different types of decontaminants for fresh and minimally processed produce. By describing the different effects – microbiological, sensory, nutritional and toxicological – of decontamination treatments, a team of internationally respected authors reveals not only the impact of decontaminants on food safety, but also on microbial spoilage, vegetable physiology, sensory quality, nutritional and phytochemical content and shelf-life. Regulatory and toxicological issues are also addressed. The book first examines how produce becomes contaminated, the surface characteristics of produce related to bacterial attachment, biofilm formation and resistance, and sublethal damage and its implications for decontamination. After reviewing how produce is washed and minimally processed, the various decontamination methods are then explored in depth, in terms of definition, generation devices, microbial inactivation mechanisms, and effects on food safety. Decontaminants covered include: chlorine, electrolyzed oxidizing water, chlorine dioxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, peroxyacetic acid, essential oils and edible films and coatings. Other decontamination methods addressed are biological strategies (bacteriophages, protective cultures, bacteriocins and quorum sensing) and physical methods (mild heat, continuous UV light, ionizing radiation) and various combinations of these methods through hurdle technology. The book concludes with descriptions of post-decontamination methods related to storage, such as modified atmosphere packaging, the cold chain, and modeling tools for predicting microbial growth and inactivation. The many methods and effects of decontamination are detailed, enabling industry professionals to understand the available state-of-the-art methods and select the most suitable approach for their purposes. The book serves as a compendium of information for food researchers and students of pre- and postharvest technology, food microbiology and food technology in general. The structure of the book allows easy comparisons among methods, and searching information by microorganism, produce, and quality traits.
ISBN: 9780813823843
Publication Date: 2012-05-01
Developments in High-Pressure Food Processing by Carl J. SchaschkeThis book examines the developments made in the processing of foods using high pressure. Consumers generally expect the food to be of a high quality, minimally processed, natural, additive-free, high in nutritional value as well as safe to eat. High Pressure processing is an alternative to thermal processing which can destroy harmful microorganisms rendering the food safe to eat. As a way of minimally processing food, it has the potential to preserve the quality of foods in many cases and even be responsible for producing new textures and properties. The effect of high pressure on the molecular structure of food proteins is to change their functional properties in surprising and often useful ways. This book discusses how using high pressure instead of heat is to preserve and even improve food quality in terms of taste, flavor, texture and color.
ISBN: 9781617612978
Publication Date: 2011-01-01
Emerging Technologies for Food Processing by Da-Wen SunThe second edition of Emerging Technologies in Food Processing presents essential, authoritative, and complete literature and research data from the past ten years. It is a complete resource offering the latest technological innovations in food processing today, and includes vital information in research and development for the food processing industry. It covers the latest advances in non-thermal processing including high pressure, pulsed electric fields, radiofrequency, high intensity pulsed light, ultrasound, irradiation, and addresses the newest hurdles in technology where extensive research has been carried out. Provides an extensive list of research sources to further research development Presents current and thorough research results and critical reviews Includes the most recent technologies used for shelf life extension, bioprocessing simulation and optimization
ISBN: 9780124114791
Publication Date: 2014-08-19
Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology by Yiu H. Hui
Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety by Victor R. Preedy (Editor)Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety discusses the major advances in the understanding of the Essential Oils and their application, providing a resource that takes into account the fact that there is little attention paid to the scientific basis or toxicity of these oils. This book provides an authoritative synopsis of many of the complex features of the essential oils as applied to food science, ranging from production and harvesting, to the anti-spoilage properties of individual components. It embraces a holistic approach to the topic, and is divided into two distinct parts, the general aspects and named essential oils. With more than 100 chapters in parts two and three, users will find valuable sections on botanical aspects, usage and applications, and a section on applications in food science that emphasizes the fact that essential oils are frequently used to impart flavor and aroma. However, more recently, their use as anti-spoilage agents has been extensively researched. Explains how essential oils can be used to improve safety, flavor, and function Embraces a holistic approach to the topic, and is divided into two distinct parts, the general aspects and named essential oils Provides exceptional range of information, from general use insights to specific use and application information, along with geographically specific information Examines traditional and evidence-based uses Includes methods and examples of investigation and application
ISBN: 9780124166448
Publication Date: 2015-09-28
Fats in Food Technology by Kanes K. Rajah (Editor)Fats are present in some form in the vast majority of processed foods we consume, as well as in many 'natural' products. Changes in consumer behaviour, centered around an increased emphasis on healthy food consumption, mean that it is more important than ever for food scientists to understand the properties, roles and behaviours that fats play in food and in diets. Fats in Food Technology, Second Edition is an in-depth examination of the roles and behaviours of fats in food technology and the benefits that they impart to consumers. It considers both fats that are naturally present in foods (such as milk fat in cheese) and fats that have been added to improve physical, chemical and organoleptic properties (like cocoa butter in chocolate). Newly revised and updated, the book contains useful information on the market issues that have driven change and the disciplines that have helped to regulate the trade and use of fats and oils in food technology. Drawing on the recent literature as well as the personal R&D experiences of the authors, the book highlights those areas where potential efficiencies in processing and economy in the cost of raw materials can be made. Issues concerning health, diet and lifestyle are covered in dedicated chapters. This book will be useful to anyone in industry and research establishments who has an interest in the technology of fat-containing food products, including scientists in the dairy, spreads, bakery, confectionery and wider food industries, as well those involved in the production of edible oils.
ISBN: 9781118788745
Publication Date: 2014-02-10
Food Biochemistry and Food Processing by Benjamin K. Simpson (Editor); Leo M. L. Nollet (Associate Editor); Gopinadhan Paliyath (Associate Editor); Fidel Toldrá (Associate Editor); Soottawat Benjakul (Associate Editor); Y. H. Hui (Associate Editor)The biochemistry of food is the foundation on which the research and development advances in food biotechnology are built. In Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition, the editors have brought together more than fifty acclaimed academicians and industry professionals from around the world to create this fully revised and updated edition. This book is an indispensable reference and text on food biochemistry and the ever increasing developments in the biotechnology of food processing. Beginning with sections on the essential principles of food biochemistry, enzymology, and food processing, the book then takes the reader on commodity-by-commodity discussions of biochemistry of raw materials and product processing. Chapters in this second edition have been revised to include safety considerations and the chemical changes induced by processing in the biomolecules of the selected foodstuffs. This edition also includes a new section on health and functional foods, as well as ten new chapters including those on thermally and minimally processed foods, separation technology in food processing, and food allergens. Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, second edition fully develops and explains the biochemical aspects of food processing, and brings together timely and relevant topics in food science and technology in one package. This book is an invaluable reference tool for professional food scientists, researchers and technologists in the food industry, as well as faculty and students in food science, food technology and food engineering programs. The Editor Dr. Benjamin K. Simpson, Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, McGill University, Quebec, Canada Associate Editors Professor Leo Nollet, Department of Applied Engineering Sciences, Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium Professor Fidel Toldrá, Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC), Valencia, Spain Professor Soottawat Benjakul, Department of Food Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand Professor Gopinadhan Paliyath, Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada Dr. Y. H. Hui, Consultant to the Food Industry, West Sacramento, California, USA
ISBN: 9780813808741
Publication Date: 2012-07-10
Food Contact Materials Analysis : Mass Spectrometry Techniques by Michele Suman (Editor)Mass spectrometric techniques have developed over recent years to offer ever increasing solutions to solving problems in food processing and packaging. Even the smallest amount of contamination in food can cause a problem for food production companies, thus they are keen to find speedy and efficient quality control methods. This book outlines how ingredients and their interrelationship with processing and packaging have developed with the exploitation of mass spectrometry and gives practical protocols to stake holders showing the flexibility of this technique. With huge relevance worldwide, this book will appeal to food packaging scientists and mass spectrometry practitioners alike.
ISBN: 9781788011242
Publication Date: 2019-01-25
Food fear : how fear is ruining your dinner and why you should celebrate eating by Damian MasonFrom the history of food production to today's food fights to the future of eating, Food Fear is the lively dinner conversation we all need to have. Damian Mason combines his farm background, agricultural education, and industry expertise with wit and edge. The result: a food book that is factual, informative, and entertaining
Call Number: HD9000.5 .M37 2019
ISBN: 9780578607436
Publication Date: 2019
Food Frying : Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Safety by Alam ZebA wide-ranging exploration of the science and practice of food frying Frying is one of the world's most popular methods of food preparation. Whether using oils or fats, it is valued for the particular flavors and textures it can bring, and represents a multibillion-dollar sector of the global economy. Food Frying: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Safety explores this important cooking technique in its scientific dimensions, charting the relationships between the chemical reactions produced during frying, the changes in food quality that these engender, and associated digestive and health-related issues. By outlining these connections, the author provides an aid to a safer, healthier approach to food frying. Topics covered range from culturally specific forms of frying to detailed analyses of the chemical and biochemical processes involved in its practice. Delivering these insights in a practical and easy-to-follow manner, this unique text includes: A complete survey of food frying, encompassing cultural, chemical, biochemical, and toxicological concerns Guidance on the accurate assessment of health, quality, and safety issues associated with food frying Coverage of the latest technologies and methods involved with frying Information on the possible future development of fried foods Food Frying: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Safety is an invaluable resource for all those who work with fried foods, whether they be food industry professionals, food scientists, or workers in the oil and fat industries.
ISBN: 9781119468516
Publication Date: 2019-03-18
The Food Industry Innovation School: How to Drive Innovation Through Complex Organizations by Helmut TraitlerInnovation and new product development are increasingly perceived as drivers of profits in the food industry. Companies are dedicating a large amount of resources to these areas and it is crucial that individuals understand how to be part of this new strategy. Food Industry Innovation School focuses on key skills needed to drive new ideas from initial concepts through to successful products on the shelf. The author argues that any individual can learn how to lead innovation within complex organizations utilizing companies? commercial and financial resources. The book focuses on the impact of single individuals on company successes. Case studies from the marketplace provide valuable examples of accomplishments and failures. Product development involves a plethora of activities such as R&D,innovation, engineering, packaging and design, manufacturing,logistics and supply chain management, as well as marketing, sales and finance, and the book addresses all these crucial functions undertaken by food companies and manufacturers of other packaged consumer goods. The learning principles and examples (based on the author's personal experience) are valid in many fast-moving consumer goods organizations and so the principles, best practices and solutions offered in the 12 chapters are relevant to a wide audience in the food industry and beyond, including those working in household products, retail, the automotive industry, computers and IT, furniture, and even media and publishing. Read more:
ISBN: 9781118947685
Publication Date: 2015-06-15
Food Processing Handbook by James G Brennan; Alistair S. Grandison (Editor)The second edition of the Food Processing Handbook presents a comprehensive review of technologies, procedures and innovations in food processing, stressing topics vital to the food industry today and pinpointing the trends in future research and development. Focusing on the technology involved, this handbook describes the principles and the equipment used as well as the changes - physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic - that occur during food preservation. In so doing, the text covers in detail such techniques as post-harvest handling, thermal processing, evaporation and dehydration, freezing, irradiation, high-pressure processing, emerging technologies and packaging. Separation and conversion operations widely used in the food industry are also covered as are the processes of baking, extrusion and frying. In addition, it addresses current concerns about the safety of processed foods (including HACCP systems, traceability and hygienic design of plant) and control of food processes, as well as the impact of processing on the environment, water and waste treatment, lean manufacturing and the roles of nanotechnology and fermentation in food processing. This two-volume set is a must-have for scientists and engineers involved in food manufacture, research and development in both industry and academia, as well as students of food-related topics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
ISBN: 9783527324682
Publication Date: 2011-12-19
Food Processing: Principles and Applications by Stephanie Clark (Editor); Stephanie Jung (Editor); Buddhi Lamsal (Editor)Food Processing: Principles and Applications second edition is the fully revised new edition of this best-selling food technology title.Advances in food processing continue to take place as food scientists and food engineers adapt to the challenges imposed by emerging pathogens, environmental concerns, shelf life, quality and safety, as well as the dietary needs and demands of humans. In addition to covering food processing principles that have long been essential to food quality and safety, this edition of Food Processing: Principles and Applications, unlike the former edition, covers microbial/enzyme inactivation kinetics, alternative food processing technologies as well as environmental and sustainability issues currently facing the food processing industry. The book is divided into two sections, the first focusing on principles of food processing and handling, and the second on processing technologies and applications. As a hands-on guide to the essential processing principles and their applications, covering the theoretical and applied aspects of food processing in one accessible volume, this book is a valuable tool for food industry professionals across all manufacturing sectors, and serves as a relevant primary or supplemental text for students of food science.
ISBN: 9780470671146
Publication Date: 2014-06-03
Food Uses of Whole Oil and Protein Seeds by E. W. Lusas (Editor); D. R. Erickson (Editor); W. K. Nip (Editor)
Call Number: TP437.F739 1989
ISBN: 9780935315233
Publication Date: 1989-01-01
Handbook of Food Powders: Processes and Properties by Bhesh Bhandari (Editor); Nidhi Bansal (Editor); Min Zhang (Editor); Pierre Schuck (Editor)Many food ingredients are supplied in powdered form, as reducing water content increases shelf life and aids ease of storage, handling and transport. Powder technology is therefore of great importance to the food industry. The Handbook of food powders explores a variety of processes that are involved in the production of food powders, the further processing of these powders and their functional properties. Part one introduces processing and handling technologies for food powders and includes chapters on spray, freeze and drum drying, powder mixing in the production of food powders and safety issues around food powder production processes. Part two focusses on powder properties including surface composition, rehydration and techniques to analyse the particle size of food powders. Finally, part three highlights speciality food powders and includes chapters on dairy powders, fruit and vegetable powders and coating foods with powders. The Handbook of food powders is a standard reference for professionals in the food powder production and handling industries, development and quality control professionals in the food industry using powders in foods, and researchers, scientists and academics interested in the field. Explores the processing and handling technologies in the production of food powders Examines powder properties, including surface composition, shelf life, and techniques used to examine particle size Focusses on speciality powders such as dairy, infant formulas, powdered egg, fruit and vegetable, and culinary and speciality products
ISBN: 9780857095138
Publication Date: 2013-08-31
Handbook of Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry by Michael DudbridgeThe principles of lean manufacturing - increasing efficiency, reducing waste, lowering costs and improving control - may be applied to any industry. However, the food industry is unique, and creates unique demands. The political, social and economic importance of food is unrivalled by any other form of produce, as is the scrutiny to which the manufacture of food is subjected. For the food industry, lean manufacturing is not simply a cost-saving strategy, but is directly linked to issues of sustainability, the environment, ethics and public accountability. Handbook of Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry is a major new source of information and ideas for those working in food manufacturing. Offering a fresh and modern perspective on best practice, it points the way to fewer breakdowns, reduced quality faults, improved teamwork and increased profits. With a focus on operations management and new process development, the book is accessible and easy to read, and is complemented by a wealth of practical examples drawn from industry. The author's conversational style and questioning approach will be invaluable to food manufacturers who are seeking solutions to fundamental issues. The book is directed at those who are working in food manufacturing or the wider food industry, particularly factory operations managers and training teams who are looking for resources to help with lean manufacturing implementations. Others in the supply chain, from producers to retailers, will also find it invaluable. The book is a clear and timely introduction for students and lecturers in food science and technology who want to access the reality of lean manufacturing as well as the theory.
ISBN: 9781405183673
Publication Date: 2011-04-18
Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology by Daphna Havkin-Frenkel (Editor); Faith C. Belanger (Editor)An updated guide to the production, science, and uses of vanilla Vanilla is a flavor and fragrance in foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and a wealth of other products. Now in its second edition, the Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology provides a comprehensive and updated review of the science and technology used in these items' production and supply. Featuring contributions from an international range of experts, this revised edition covers a multitude of topics, including agricultural production, global markets, analytical methods, sensory analysis, food and fragrance applications, organic farming and fair trade, botanical diseases, and novel uses. The Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology, Second Edition is a vital resource for producers, distributors, and scientists involved in vanilla's growth and utilization, and offers readers: A guide to the cultivation, extraction, analysis, DNA sequencing, and marketing of vanilla Information on the production of vanilla in a range of countries such as Mexico, Australia, Costa Rica, and India Guidelines on the quality control of vanilla beans and extracts Information on fair trade and the future of vanilla
ISBN: 9781119377276
Publication Date: 2018-09-24
The Industrial Food Complex by Joellen McCarty, book editor"As of 2015, one in three people worked in agriculture globally. With agriculture contributing only 3 percent of the global GDP, it is challenging for those workers to earn a living wage. Concerns are levied against companies in the food industry, with questions raised about their ethics and their treatment of workers, livestock, and the environment. The massive scale of the industry makes regulation difficult, but under-regulation can result in public health crises. The diverse viewpoints in this volume explore the controversies, challenges, and solutions involved in providing food in our world today."
Call Number: HD9000.5 .I53 2020
ISBN: 9781534505391
Publication Date: 2019-07-15
Instrumental Methods for Quality Assurance in Foods by Daniel Y.C. Fung, Richard F. Matthews.Most of the chapters are updated versions of presentations at a workshop at the 1986 Institute of Food Technologists national meeting in Dallas.
Call Number: TP372.5.I55 1991
ISBN: 9780824782788
Publication Date: 1991-04-29
Microencapsulation in the Food Industry: A Practical Implementation Guide by Anilkumar Gaonkar (Editor); Niraj Vasisht (Editor); Atul Khare (Editor); Robert Sobel (Editor)Microencapsulation is being used to deliver everything from improved nutrition to unique consumer sensory experiences. It's rapidly becoming one of the most important opportunities for expanding brand potential. Microencapsulation in the Food Industry: A Practical Implementation Guide is written for those who see the potential benefit of using microencapsulation but need practical insight into using the technology. With coverage of the process technologies, materials, testing, regulatory and even economic insights, this book presents the key considerations for putting microencapsulation to work. Application examples as well as online access to published and issued patents provide information on freedom to operate, building an intellectual property portfolio, and leveraging ability into potential in licensing patents to create produce pipeline. This book bridges the gap between fundamental research and application by combining the knowledge of new and novel processing techniques, materials and selection, regulatory concerns, testing and evaluation of materials, and application-specific uses of microencapsulation. Practical applications based on the authors' more than 50 years combined industry experience Focuses on application, rather than theory Includes the latest in processes and methodologies Provides multiple "starting point" options to jump-start encapsulation use
ISBN: 9780124045682
Publication Date: 2014-07-22
Mouthfeel : How Texture Makes Taste by Ole G. Mouritsen; Klavs Styrbæk; Mariela JohansenWhy is chocolate melting on the tongue such a decadent sensation? Why do we love crunching on bacon? Why is fizz-less soda such a disappointment to drink, and why is flat beer so unappealing to the palate? Our sense of taste produces physical and emotional reactions that cannot be explained by chemical components alone. Eating triggers our imagination, draws on our powers of recall, and activates our critical judgment, creating a unique impression in our mouths and our minds. How exactly does this alchemy work, and what are the larger cultural and environmental implications?Collaborating in the laboratory and the kitchen, Ole G. Mouritsen and Klavs Styrbæk investigate the multiple ways in which food texture influences taste. Combining scientific analysis with creative intuition and a sophisticated knowledge of food preparation, they write a one-of-a-kind book for food lovers and food science scholars. By mapping the mechanics of mouthfeel, Mouritsen and Styrbæk advance a greater awareness of its link to our culinary preferences. Gaining insight into the textural properties of raw vegetables, puffed rice, bouillon, or ice cream can help us make healthier and more sustainable food choices. Through mouthfeel, we can recreate the physical feelings of foods we love with other ingredients or learn to latch onto smarter food options. Mastering texture also leads to more adventurous gastronomic experiments in the kitchen, allowing us to reach even greater heights of taste sensation.
ISBN: 9780231180764
Publication Date: 2017-02-21
New Trends in Sample Preparation Techniques for Food Analysis by Oscar Núñez (Editor); Paolo Lucci (Editor)Nowadays, there is a growing need for applications in food control and safety analysis to cope with the analysis of a large number of analytes in a very complex matrix. New analytical procedures are demanding sensitivity, robustness, effectiveness and high resolution within a reduced analysis time. Most of these requirements may be met to a certain extent by the total or partial automation of the conventional analytical methods, including sample preparation or sample pre-treatment coupled on-line to an analytical system. Despite the advances in chromatographic separations and mass spectrometry techniques, sample preparation is still one of the most important parts in any analytical method development and an effective sample preparation is essential for achieving good analytical results. Obviously, ideal sample preparation methods should be fast, accurate, precise and must keep sample integrity. For this reason, and over the last years, considerable efforts have been made to develop modern approaches in sample treatment techniques that enable the reduction of the analysis time without compromising the integrity of the extraction process. The aim of this book is to discuss new trends in sample preparation techniques applied to food analysis, and it will address not only the principles of each technique, but the most relevant applications in food control and safety analysis published over the few last years.
ISBN: 9781634850728
Publication Date: 2016-01-01
Practical Ethics for Food Professionals: Ethics in Research, Education and the Workplace by J. Peter Clark; Christopher Ritson (Editor)This book offers a practical guide to the most pressing ethical issues faced by those working in food manufacturing and associated industries. Early chapters look at the fundamentals of ethical thinking and how lessons of medical ethics might be applied to the food industry. The book then addresses some issues specifically relevant to the food industry, including treatment of animals; the use of genetically modified organisms; food product advertising; health claims and sustainability. Several further chapters present case studies which show how ethical thinking can be applied in real life examples. This volume should be on the desk of every food industry professional responsible for important decisions about science, marketing, resources, sustainability, the environment and people.
ISBN: 9780470673430
Publication Date: 2013-07-29
Principles of Food Sanitation by Norman G. Marriott
Call Number: TP373.6.M349 1989
ISBN: 9780442318079
Publication Date: 1989-06-15
Progress in Food Biotechnology by Ali Osman (Editor)Progress in Food Biotechnology covers recent advances in the food processing sector. Readers will gain an academic and industrial perspective on how biotechnology improves food product quality, yield, and process efficiency.
Potato Biology and Biotechnology : Advances and Perspectives by John Bradshaw (Editor); Christiane Gebhardt (Editor); Francine Govers (Editor); Mark A. Taylor (Editor); Donald K. L. MacKerron (Editor); Heather A. Ross (Editor); Dick Vreugdenhil (Editor)In the past 15-20 years major discoveries have been concluded on potato biology and biotechnology. Important new tools have been developed in the area of molecular genetics, and our understanding of potato physiology has been revolutionized due to amenability of the potato to genetic transformation. This technology has impacted our understanding of the molecular basis of plant-pathogen interaction and has also opened new opportunities for the use of the potato in a variety of non-food biotechnological purposes. This book covers the potato world market as it expands further into the new millennium. Authors stress the overriding need for stable yields to eliminate human hunger and poverty, while considering solutions to enhance global production and distribution. It comprehensively describes genetics and genetic resources, plant growth and development, response to the environment, tuber quality, pests and diseases, biotechnology and crop management. Potato Biology is the most valuable reference available for all professionals involved in the potato industry, plant biologists and agronomists. Offers an understanding of the social, economic and market factors that influence production and distributionDiscusses developments and useful traits in transgenic biology and genetic engineering. The first reference entirely devoted to understanding new advances in potato biology and biotechnology
ISBN: 9780080525051
Publication Date: 2011-08-31
Potato Processing by William F. Talburt; Ora Smith
Call Number: TP444.P6T35 1975
ISBN: 9780870551802
Publication Date: 1975-01-01
Potatoes Postharvest by Chris Bishop; Bob Pringle; A. K. Thompson; R. C. ClaytonA wider understanding of potato postharvest practices is needed to improve working relations between growers, agronomists, pathologists and crop store managers. The authors provide a comprehensive examination of international potato production and discuss how potatoes are managed post harvest, the underlying science behind practices and the influences that can affect final quality. Chapters describe potato physiology, harvesting techniques and loading procedures as well as optimum storage conditions and store management. Aspects such as store and packhouse design, ventilation and environmental control, seed storage, grading equipment and quality assurance are considered in detail. "Potatoes Postharvest" will guide professionals, academics and advanced students interested in potato production from physiology and pathology to storage and packing.
ISBN: 9780851995021
Publication Date: 2009-02-25
Eggs As Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals for Human Health by Jianping Wu (Editor)Often described as ‘nature's perfect food', perceptions of egg consumption and human health have evolved substantially over the past decades, in particular dietary guidelines no longer include a limit for dietary cholesterol and recommend eggs as part of healthy eating patterns. This book presents the opportunities for processing eggs to produce value-added food, nutritional, biomedical, functional food, and nutraceutical applications. It provides new evidence around egg consumption with respect to cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, weight management, mental development, eye, muscle, and ageing health. It also highlights the new discovery regarding egg bioactives that are relevant to anti-oxidants, anti-inflammation, cardiovascular and bone health, anti-microbial and anti-viral activities. Appealing to food scientists, food chemists, researchers in human nutrition specialising in eggs and dairy nutrition, and those involved in egg production, this book is reflecting the trends and innovations in this area of research.
ISBN: 9781788012133
Publication Date: 2019-05-16
Fats in Food Technology by K. K. RajahFats are present in some form in the vast majority of processed foods we consume, as well as in many 'natural' products. Changes in consumer behaviour, centered around an increased emphasis on healthy food consumption, mean that it is more important than ever for food scientists to understand the properties, roles and behaviours that fats play in food and in diets. Fats in Food Technology, Second Edition is an in-depth examination of the roles and behaviours of fats in food technology and the benefits that they impart to consumers. It considers both fats that are naturally present in foods (such as milk fat in cheese) and fats that have been added to improve physical, chemical and organoleptic properties (like cocoa butter in chocolate). Newly revised and updated, the book contains useful information on the market issues that have driven change and the disciplines that have helped to regulate the trade and use of fats and oils in food technology. Drawing on the recent literature as well as the personal R&D experiences of the authors, the book highlights those areas where potential efficiencies in processing and economy in the cost of raw materials can be made. Issues concerning health, diet and lifestyle are covered in dedicated chapters. This book will be useful to anyone in industry and research establishments who has an interest in the technology of fat-containing food products, including scientists in the dairy, spreads, bakery, confectionery and wider food industries, as well those involved in the production of edible oils.
Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements: Processing Effects and Health Benefits by Anil Kumar Anal (Editor); Imran Ahmad (Editor); Athapol Noomhorm (Editor)Functional foods are foods which contain bioactive components, either from plant or animal sources, which can have health benefits for the consumer over and above their nutritional value. Foods which have antioxidant or cancer-combating components are in high demand from health conscious consumers: much has been made of the health-giving qualities of fruits and vegetables in particular. Conversely, foods which have been processed are suffering an image crisis, with many consumers indiscriminately assuming that any kind of processing robs food of its "natural goodness". To date, there has been little examination of the actual effects - whether positive or negative - of various types of food processing upon functional foods. This book highlights the effects of food processing on the active ingredients of a wide range of functional food materials, with a particular focus on foods of Asian origin. Asian foods, particularly herbs, are becoming increasingly accepted and demanded globally, with many Western consumers starting to recognize and seek out their health-giving properties. This book focuses on the extraction of ingredients which from materials which in the West are seen as "alternative" - such as flour from soybeans instead of wheat, or bran and starch from rice - but which have long histories in Asian cultures. It also highlight the incorporation of those bioactive compounds in foods and the enhancement of their bioavailability. Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements: Processing Effects and Health Benefits will be required reading for those working in companies, research institutions and universities that are active in the areas of food processing and agri-food environment. Food scientists and engineers will value the new data and research findings contained in the book, while environmentalists, food regulatory agencies and other food industry personnel involved in functional food production or development will find it a very useful source of information.
ISBN: 9781118227800
Publication Date: 2014-03-21
Nutritional Evaluation of Food Processing by Endel Karmas
Call Number: TP372.5.N959 1988
ISBN: 9780442247621
Publication Date: 1987-12-01
Processing and Impact on Active Components in Food by Victor R. Preedy (Editor)From beef to baked goods, fish to flour, antioxidants are added to preserve the shelf life of foods and ensure consumer acceptability. These production-added components may also contribute to the overall availability of essential nutrients for intake as well as the prevention of the development of unwelcome product characteristics such as off-flavours or colours. However, there are processes that reduce the amount of naturally occurring antioxidants and awareness of that potential is just as important for those in product research and development. There is a practical need to understand not only the physiological importance of antioxidants in terms of consumer health benefit, but how they may be damaged or enhanced through the processing and packaging phases. This book presents information key to understanding how antioxidants change during production of a wide variety of food products, with a focus toward how this understanding may be translated effectively to other foods as well. Addresses how the composition of food is altered, the analytical techniques used, and the applications to other foods Presents in-chapter summary points and other translational insights into concepts, techniques, findings and approaches to processing of other foods Explores advances in analytical and methodological science within each chapter
ISBN: 9780124046993
Publication Date: 2014-06-17
Processing and Nutrition of Fats and Oils by Ernesto M. Hernandez (Original Author); Afaf Kamal-Eldin (Original Author)Processing and Nutrition of Fats and Oils reviews current and new practices of fats and oils production. The book examines the different aspects of fats and oils processing, how the nutritional properties are affected, and how fats interact with other components and nutrients in food products. Coverage includes current trends in the consumption of edible fats and oils; properties of fats, oils and bioactive lipids; techniques to process and modify edible oils; nutritional aspects of lipids; and regulatory aspects, labeling and certifications of fats and oils in foods.
Legumes : Nutritional Quality, Processing and Potential Health Benefits by Maria Ángeles Martín-Cabrejas (Editor)Legumes have high potential for improving the nutritional quality of foods, but limited data on their bioactive compounds exists. Results of clinical and epidemiological studies suggest that natural antioxidants can protect us against oxidative stress that is closely associated with cancer and cardiovascular disease. Legumes are a valuable source of bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, peptides and non-nutritional factors. They are rich in several important micronutrients, including potassium, magnesium, folate, iron, and zinc, and are an important source of protein in vegetarian diets. They are among the only plant foods that provide significant amounts of the amino acid, lysine. Commonly consumed legumes are also rich in total and soluble fibre as well as in resistant starch. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the antioxidant activity and health aspects of legumes. The international spread of contributors will describe the key factors that influence consumer acceptance of legumes in the diet, as well as the known functional properties of legumes and legume based food products. It will serve as an excellent and up-to-date reference for food scientists, food chemists, researchers in human nutrition, dietetics and the chemistry of natural compounds.
ISBN: 9781788011617
Publication Date: 2019-01-03
Milk Products
Advances in Dairy Products by Francesco Conto (Editor); Matteo A. Del Nobile (Editor); Michele Faccia (Editor); Angelo V. Zambrini (Editor); Amalia Conte (Editor)Advances in Dairy Product Science & Technology offers a comprehensive review of the most innovative scientific knowledge in the dairy food sector. Edited and authored by noted experts from academic and industry backgrounds, this book shows how the knowledge from strategic and applied research can be utilized by the commercial innovation of dairy product manufacture and distribution. Topics explored include recent advances in the dairy sector, such as raw materials and milk processing, environmental impact, economic concerns and consumer acceptance. The book includes various emerging technologies applied to milk and starter cultures sources, strategic options for their use, their characterization, requirements, starter growth and delivery and other ingredients used in the dairy industry. The text also outlines a framework on consumer behavior that can help to determine quality perception of food products and decision-making. Consumer insight techniques can help support the identification of market opportunities and represent a useful mean to test product prototypes before final launch. This comprehensive resource: Assesses the most innovative scientific knowledge in the dairy food sector Reviews the latest technological developments relevant for dairy companies Covers new advances across a range of topics including raw material processing, starter cultures for fermented products, processing and packaging Examines consumer research innovations in the dairy industry Written for dairy scientists, other dairy industry professionals, government agencies, educators and students, Advances in Dairy Product Science & Technology includes vital information on the most up-to-date and scientifically sound research in the field.
ISBN: 9781118906453
Publication Date: 2017-09-05
Emerging Dairy Processing Technologies by Nivedita Datta; Peggy M. TomasulaFluid milk processing is energy intensive, with high financial and energy costs found all along the production line and supply chain. Worldwide, the dairy industry has set a goal of reducing GHG emissions and other environmental impacts associated with milk processing. Although the major GHG emissions associated with milk production occur on the farm, most energy usage associated with milk processing occurs at the milk processing plant and afterwards, during refrigerated storage (a key requirement for the transportation, retail and consumption of most milk products). Sustainable alternatives and designs for the dairy processing plants of the future are now being actively sought by the global dairy industry, as it seeks to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and comply with its corporate social responsibilities. Emerging Dairy Processing Technologies: Opportunities for the Dairy Industry presents the state of the art research and technologies that have been proposed as sustainable replacements for high temperature-short time (HTST) and ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization, with potentially lower energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. These technologies include pulsed electric fields, high hydrostatic pressure, high pressure homogenization, ohmic and microwave heating, microfiltration, pulsed light, UV light processing, and carbon dioxide processing. The use of bacteriocins, which have the potential to improve the efficiency of the processing technologies, is discussed, and information on organic and pasture milk, which consumers perceive as sustainable alternatives to conventional milk, is also provided. This book brings together all the available information on alternative milk processing techniques and their impact on the physical and functional properties of milk, written by researchers who have developed a body of work in each of the technologies. This book is aimed at dairy scientists and technologists who may be working in dairy companies or academia. It will also be highly relevant to food processing experts working with dairy ingredients, as well as university departments, research centres and graduate students.
ISBN: 9781118560624
Publication Date: 2015-06-22
Fermented Milk Products by R. Ahmed Abdelrahman; A. M Adel (Editor); I. Smetanska (Editor)Milk is an excellent food source for humans and bacteria alike. At room temperature, milk undergoes natural souring caused by lactic acid produced from fermentation of lactose by fermentative lactic acid bacteria. This accumulation of acid (H+ ions) decreases the pH of the milk and cause the casein to coagulate and curdle into curds and whey. Fermentation of milk dates back thousands of years to locations all over the world. This process was used as a means of preserving a highly perishable product and to produce new flavors for an old food staple. The microbes important for dairy product manufacturing can be divided into two groups, primary and secondary microflora. The various combinations of microflora determine what milk product you will end up with. This new book reviews the process of milk fermentation which is done in order to preserve the product and create new flavors.
ISBN: 9781616682996
Publication Date: 2010-07-01
From Milk by-Products to Milk Ingredients by Ruud de BoerMilk is a complex substance, and a variety of constituents can be extracted from it for use as ingredients in other foods. The main ingredients from milk are milk fat, cheese and serum, but this range is continually expanding as food companies, dairies and dairy scientists seek to utilize as many raw materials and by-products as possible, to reduce waste, maximize efficiency, and increase productivity. Ingredients from Milk is a concise, fresh approach to ingredients derived from milk, containing guidance and new techniques for dairy industry professionals and scientists. has a structure is designed to mirror the process of extracting ingredients from milk, beginning with the basic concepts and following through the processes until finally arriving at the consumer products which constitute the end uses of ingredients from milk. This book is primarily targeted at the dairy industry, but also provides a valuable insight for academics and students seeking an industry perspective.
ISBN: 9780470672228
Publication Date: 2014-05-27
Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks by Ramesh C. Chandan (Editor); Arun Kilara (Editor)Melding the hands-on experience of producing yogurt and fermented milks over four decades with the latest in scientific research in the dairy industry, editor Chandan and his associate editors have assembled experts worldwide to writeManufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks, 2nd Edition. This one-of-a-kind resource gives a complete description of the manufacturing stages of yogurt and fermented milks from the receipt of raw materials to the packaging of the products. Information is conveniently grouped under four categories: #65533; Basic background--History and consumption trends, milk composition characteristics, dairy processing principles, regulatory requirements, laboratory analysis, starter cultures, packaging, and more #65533; Yogurt manufacture--Fruit preparations and flavoring materials, ingredients, processing principles, manufacture of various yogurt types, plant cleaning and sanitizing, quality assurance, and sensory analysis #65533; Manufacture of fermented milks--Procedure, packaging and other details for more than ten different types of products #65533; Health benefits--Functional foods, probiotics, disease prevention, and the health attributes of yogurt and fermented milks All manufacturing processes are supported by sound scientific, technological, and engineering principles.
ISBN: 9781118481332
Publication Date: 2013-01-08
Probiotic Dairy Products by Adnan Y. Tamime (Editor); Linda V. Thomas (Editor)Probiotic Dairy Products, 2nd Edition The updated guide to the most current research and developments in probiotic dairy products The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Probiotic Dairy Products reviews the recent advancements in the dairy industry and includes the latest scientific developments in regard to the 'functional' aspects of dairy and fermented milk products and their ingredients. Since the publication of the first edition of this text, there have been incredible advances in the knowledge and understanding of the human microbiota, mainly due to the development and use of new molecular analysis techniques. This new edition includes information on the newest developments in the field. It offers information on the new 'omic' technologies that have been used to detect and analyse all the genes, proteins and metabolites of individuals' gut microbiota. The text also includes a description of the history of probiotics and explores the origins of probiotic products and the early pioneers in this field. Other chapters in this resource provide valuable updates on genomic analysis of probiotic strains and aspects of probiotic products' production and quality control. This important resource: Offers a completely revised and updated edition to the text that covers the topic of probiotic dairy products Contains 4 brand new chapters on the following topics: the history of probiotics, prebiotic components, probiotic research, and the production of vitamins, exopolysaccharides (EPS), and bacteriocins Features a new co-editor and a host of new contributors, that offer the latest research findings and expertise Is the latest title in Wiley's Society of Dairy Technology Technical Series Probiotic Dairy Products is an essential resource for dairy scientists, dairy technologists and nutritionists. The text includes the results of the most reliable research in field and offers informed views on the future of, and barriers to, the progress for probiotic dairy products.
ISBN: 9781119214113
Publication Date: 2017-11-08
Gracey's Meat Hygiene by David S. Collins (Editor); Robert J. Huey (Editor)Gracey's Meat Hygiene, Eleventh Edition is the definitive reference for veterinarians working in meat hygiene control. This new edition of a classic text reflects the recent significant changes in science, legislation and practical implementation of meat hygiene controls in the UK, Europe and worldwide since the 10th edition was published in 1999. An excellent practical guide for teaching food hygiene to veterinary students worldwide, in addition to laying the foundations of food animal anatomy, pathology and disease. New chapters address the increased concern of both the public and inspectors to issues of animal welfare and recognise the role of the profession, and interest from the consumer, in environmental protection. Key features include: Fully updated new edition, in a refreshed design with colour photographs and illustrations throughout. Includes new content on meat hygiene inspection covering the components of an integrated food safety management system as well as animal health and welfare controls in the 'farm to fork' system. A practical approach to health and safety in meat processing is outlined by identifying the hazards and then describing how these can best be controlled. With contributions from veterinary and industry experts, this edition is both a valuable teaching aid and a practical reference for veterinarians and all food business operators and their staff.
ISBN: 9781118649985
Publication Date: 2014
Organic Meat Production and Processing by Steven C. Ricke (Editor); Michael G. Johnson (Editor); Corliss A. O'Bryan (Editor); Ellen J. Van Loo (Editor)Consumers purchase organic meats for what they perceive as superior taste, better nutritional value, long-term health benefits, or enhanced product freshness. Many consumers also believe organic meat is safer than conventional, perhaps containing lesser amounts of pesticides or foodborne human pathogens. Organic livestock farming, which is reputed to be environmentally friendly and sustains animals in good health resulting in high quality products, has a defined standard with a greater attention to animal welfare and requiring at least 80 percent of feed grown without pesticides or artificial fertilizers. The higher guarantee of the absence of residue is certain, but the effect of organic farming on qualitative characteristics of the products is unknown. Substantial growth in organic food sales of all categories has occurred in recent years and certified organic food production has evolved into a highly regulated industry in the European Union, the United States, Canada, Japan and many other countries. Organic Meat Production and Processing examines in detail the challenges of production, processing and food safety of organic meat. The editors and an international collection of authors explore the trends in organic meats and how the meat industry is impacted. Commencing with chapters on the economics, market and regulatory aspects of organic meats, coverage then extends to management issues for organically raised and processed meat animals. Processing, sensory and human health aspects are covered in detail, as are incidences of food borne pathogens in organic beef, swine, poultry, and other organic meat species. The book concludes by describing pre-harvest control measures for assuring the safety of organic meats. This book serves as a unique resource for fully understanding the current and potential issues associated with organic meats.
ISBN: 9780813821269
Publication Date: 2012-05-01
What's the Matter with Meat? by Katy KeifferIt's been 111 years since the publication of The Jungle, Upton Sinclair's groundbreaking book on the cattle industry. Though improvements in animal welfare have been made since then, the industry has evolved to include issues Sinclair could never have foreseen. In What's the Matter with Meat, Katy Keiffer leads readers though a crash course on how this powerful multinational business has been able to generate such a bountiful supply of absurdly cheap animal proteins. What's the Matter with Meat? explores everything from labor issues to genetic manipulation to animal welfare to environmental degradation, illustrating just how the industrial model for meat production conjures up huge quantities of cheap meat even as it shifts many of the real costs onto the taxpayer. She describes practices few of us know about, such as land grabs in which predator companies acquire property in foreign countries for meat production, often driving out local farmers. She shows how industry consolidation entrenches cost-effective but harmful practices, creating monopolies that force competitors out of business, drive down labor costs, erode workers' rights, and exert extraordinary power over nearby communities. Keiffer demonstrates with irrefutable force that the current model for meat production--adopted worldwide--is simply not sustainable and will soon exhaust the planet's resources. A hard-hitting critique of the meat industry and its harmful effects, this book shows us just how important it is to care about where our food comes from, to support alternative production systems, and to stop those practices that are ruining our planet in the service of the burger and the nugget.
ISBN: 9781780237602
Publication Date: 2017-05-15
Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks by Dionysis Bochtis; Eleftherios Iakovou; Dimitrios Vlachos; Dimitrios AidonisAn interdisciplinary framework for managing sustainable agrifood supply chains Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks provides an up-to-date and interdisciplinary framework for designing and operating sustainable supply chains for agri-food products. Focus is given to decision-making procedures and methodologies enabling policy-makers, managers and practitioners to design and manage effectively sustainable agrifood supply chain networks. Authored by high profile researchers with global expertise in designing and operating sustainable supply chains in the agri-food industry, this book: Features the entire hierarchical decision-making process for managing sustainable agrifood supply chains. Covers knowledge-based farming, management of agricultural wastes, sustainability, green supply chain network design, safety, security and traceability, IT in agrifood supply chains, carbon footprint management, quality management, risk management and policy- making. Explores green supply chain management, sustainable knowledge-based farming, corporate social responsibility, environmental management and emerging trends in agri-food retail supply chain operations. Examines sustainable practices that are unique for agriculture as well as practices that already have been implemented in other industrial sectors such as green logistics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks provides a useful resource for researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, regulators and C-level executives that deal with strategic decision-making. Post-graduate students in the field of agriculture sciences, engineering, operations management, logistics and supply chain management will also benefit from this book.
ISBN: 9781118937501
Publication Date: 2016-03-22
Sustainable Food Processing by Tomas Norton (Editor); Nicholas M. Holden (Editor); Brijesh K. TiwariWith global inequalities becoming more pronounced, ingredient costs climbing, and global warming a major political issue, food producers must now address environmental concerns, social responsibility and economic viability when designing their food processing techniques for the future. Sustainable food processing is all about finding new ways of meeting present needs without comprising future viability, given constantly changing economic and environmental conditions. This is not just a corporate social responsibility issue, but relates directly to efficiency, cost-saving and profitability, and so the food industry must increasingly embrace sustainable food processing in order to succeed. This book provides a comprehensive overview on both economic sustainability and environmental concerns relating to food processing. It promotes ways of increasing sustainability in all the major sectors of the food industry, and will establish itself as a standard reference book on sustainable food processing. It will be of great interest to academic and industrial professionals. Opening chapters cover the concept and principles of sustainable food processing, with reference to various food processing sectors (dairy, meat, seafood, grain, fruit and vegetables). Further chapters on brewing, cold chain, consumption and packaging provide a comprehensive guide to making these key processes more sustainable. Issues such as cleaning, sanitation, and carbon footprint are discussed, before dedicated chapters covering energy and water consumption in the food industry address economic sustainability. Environmental impact assessment and food processing, waste utilization, risk assessment, and regulatory and legislative issues are also addressed. Contributors include a combination of leading academic and industrial experts, to provide informed and industrially relevant perspectives on these topics.
ISBN: 9780470672235
Publication Date: 2013-12-31
The 10 Principles of Food Industry Sustainability by Cheryl J. BaldwinAlthough the food industry is beginning to make headway with its sustainability initiatives, substantially more progress is needed in order to feed the world's growing population sustainably. The challenge is that the topic of sustainability can seem overwhelming and there is limited information that is specific to the food industry. Written by an experienced food industry professional with years of experience in sustainability, The 10 Principles of Food Industry Sustainability inspires and informs the progress required to nourish the population, revitalize natural resources, enhance economic development, and close resource loops. The book makes this complex topic approachable and actionable by identifying the most pressing sustainability priorities across the entire food supply chain and showing, with tools and examples, how producers, processors, packers, distributors, marketers and retailers all play a role in advancing improvement. The book begins with an overview of the Principles of sustainability in the food industry: what they are and why they matter. Subsequent chapters focus on each of the Ten Principles in detail: how they relate to the food industry, their global relevance (including their environmental, health, and social impacts), and the best practices to achieve the potential of meaningful and positive progress that the Principles offer. Specific examples from industry are presented in order to provide scalable solutions and bring the concepts to life, along with top resources for further exploration. The Principles, practices, and potential of sustainability in the food industry covered in this book are designed to be motivating and to offer a much-needed and clear way forward towards a sustainable food supply.
ISBN: 9781118447727
Publication Date: 2015-01-20
Sugar Beets
Beet-Sugar Manufacture by H. Classen
Call Number: TP390.C511 1906
Publication Date: 1906
Beet-Sugar Technology by R. A. McGinnis
Call Number: TP390.B393 1982
Publication Date: 1982
Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production by Oliver D. CheesmanPressure from conservationists and increasing regulation, means that environmental considerations are increasingly important for the sugar industry. This book examines the environmental impacts of the sugar industry in relation to the cultivation of sugar crops (cane and beet) and the processing of the raw materials that they yield. These include soil erosion, loss of natural habits leading to a reduction in biodiversity, excessive water consumption, water and air pollution, and runoff and leaching of nutrients. Whilst some of these impacts are essentially generic impacts of agriculture, others, such as those relating to irrigation, are more specific to the cultivation of sugar crops. The book also investigates the utilization of waste materials from sugar production, and explores methods of reducing the environmental impacts of sugar production and processing.
ISBN: 9780851999814
Publication Date: 2004-11-17
Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook by Celeste M. Todaro (Editor); Henry C. Vogel (Editor)A complete reference for fermentation engineers engaged in commercial chemical and pharmaceutical production, Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook emphasizes the operation, development and design of manufacturing processes that use fermentation, separation and purification techniques. Contributing authors from companies such as Merck, Eli Lilly, Amgen and Bristol-Myers Squibb highlight the practical aspects of the processes--data collection, scale-up parameters, equipment selection, troubleshooting, and more. They also provide relevant perspectives for the different industry sectors utilizing fermentation techniques, including chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and biofuels. New material in the third edition covers topics relevant to modern recombinant cell fermentation, mammalian cell culture, and biorefinery, ensuring that the book will remain applicable around the globe. It uniquely demonstrates the relationships between the synthetic processes for small molecules such as active ingredients, drugs and chemicals, and the biotechnology of protein, vaccine, hormone, and antibiotic production. This major revision also includes new material on membrane pervaporation technologies for biofuels and nanofiltration, and recent developments in instrumentation such as optical-based dissolved oxygen probes, capacitance-based culture viability probes, and in situ real-time fermentation monitoring with wireless technology. It addresses topical environmental considerations, including the use of new (bio)technologies to treat and utilize waste streams and produce renewable energy from wastewaters. Options for bioremediation are also explained. Fully updated to cover the latest advances in recombinant cell fermentation, mammalian cell culture and biorefinery, along with developments in instrumentation Industrial contributors from leading global companies, including Merck, Eli Lilly, Amgen, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Covers synthetic processes for both small and large molecules
ISBN: 9781455725533
Publication Date: 2014-03-25
Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods by Robert W. HutkinsThe revised and expanded text on food fermentation microbiology With this second edition of Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods, Robert Hutkins brings fresh perspectives and updated content to his exhaustive and engaging text on food fermentations. The text covers all major fermented foods, devoting chapters to fermented dairy, meat, and vegetable products, as well breads, beers, wines, vinegars, and soy foods. These insights are enhanced by detailed explanations of the microbiological and biochemical processes that underpin fermentation, while an account of its fascinating history provides readers with richly contextualizing background knowledge. New to this edition are two additional chapters. One discusses the role that fermentation plays in the production of spirits and other distilled beverages, whereas another focuses on cocoa, coffee, and fermented cereal products. Furthermore, key chapters on microorganisms and metabolism have been expanded and elaborated upon, and are complemented by other relevant revisions and additions made throughout the book, ensuring that it is as up-to-date and applicable as possible. This essential text includes: Discussions of major fermented foods from across the globe Background information on the science and history behind food fermentation Information on relevant industrial processes, technologies, and scientific discoveries Two new chapters covering distilled spirits and cocoa, coffee, and cereal products Expanded chapters on microorganisms and metabolism Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods, Second Edition is a definitive reference tool that will be of great interest and use to industry professionals, academics, established or aspiring food scientists, and anyone else working with fermented foods.
ISBN: 9781119027447
Publication Date: 2018-11-20
Food Additives
The Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives by Titus A. M. MsagatiThe Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives is an up-to-date reference guide on the range of different types of additives (both natural and synthetic) used in the food industry today. It looks at the processes involved in inputting additives and preservatives to foods, and the mechanisms and methods used. The book contains full details about the chemistry of each major class of food additive, showing the reader not just what kind of additives are used and what their functions are, but also how they work and how they can have multiple functionalities. In addition, this book covers numerous new additives currently being introduced, and an explanation of how the quality of these is ascertained and how consumer safety is ensured.
ISBN: 9781118274125
Publication Date: 2012-09-07
Emulsifiers in Food Technology by Viggo Norn (Editor)Emulsifiers are essential components of many industrial food recipes. They have the ability to act at the interface between two phases, and so can stabilise the desired mix of oil and water in a mayonnaise, ice cream or salad dressing. They can also stabilise gas/liquid mixtures in foams. More than that, they are increasingly employed in textural and organoleptic modification, in shelf life enhancement, and as complexing or stabilising agents for other components such as starch or protein. Applications include modifying the rheology of chocolate, the strengthening of dough, crumb softening and the retardation of staling in bread. This volume, now in a revised and updated second edition, introduces emulsifiers to those previously unfamiliar with their functions, and provides a state of the art account of their chemistry, manufacture, application and legal status for more experienced food technologists. Each chapter considers one of the main chemical groups of food emulsifiers. Within each group the structures of the emulsifiers are considered, together with their modes of action. This is followed by a discussion of their production / extraction and physical characteristics, together with practical examples of their application. Appendices cross-reference emulsifier types with applications, and give E-numbers, international names, synonyms and references to analytical standards and methods. This is a book for food scientists and technologists, ingredients suppliers and quality assurance personnel.
ISBN: 9780470670637
Publication Date: 2015-01-20
Essential Guide to Food Additives by Mike Saltmarsh (Editor)Food additives have played and still play an essential role in the food industry. Additives span a great range from simple materials like sodium bicarbonate, essential in the kitchen for making cakes, to mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, an essential emulsifier in low fat spreads and in bread. It has been popular to criticise food additives, and in so doing, to lump them all together, but this approach ignores their diversity of history, source and use. This book includes food additives and why they are used, safety of food additives in Europe, additive legislation within the EU and outside Europe and the complete listing of all additives permitted in the EU. The law covering food additives in the EU which was first harmonised in 1989 has been amended frequently since then, but has now been consolidated with the publication of Regulations 1331/2008 and 1129/2011. This 4th edition of the Guide brings it up to date with the changes introduced by this legislation and by the ongoing review of additives by EFSA. Providing an invaluable resource for food and drink manufacturers, this book is the only work covering in detail every additive, its sources and uses. Those working in and around the food industry, students of food science and indeed anyone with an interest in what is added to their food will find this a practical book full of fascinating details.
ISBN: 9781849735605
Publication Date: 2013-02-21
Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 17 by Peter A. Williams (Editor); Glyn O. Phillips (Editor)The book describes the new advances in the science and technology of hydrocolloids which are used in food and related systems. The focus is on the technofunctionality and the biofunctionality of hydrocolloids, giving an appropriate emphasis to the manipulative skills of the food scientist and recognising the special part hydrocolloids can play in supporting human health. Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 17 captures the latest research findings of leading scientists which were presented at the Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference. Covering a wide range of topics, including; functional properties of proteins, alternative protein surces, low moisture foods, value added co-products from biorefining and bioactive polysaccharides. This book is a useful information source to researchers and other professionals in industry and academia, particularly those involved with food science.
[Library also has volumes 12, 13, 15, & 16]
ISBN: 9781849738835
Publication Date: 2014-04-16
Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition by Michael Ash (Editor); Irene Ash (Editor)'This handbook has been extensively updated and describes more than 9500 trade name and generic chemical additives that are used in food products. The Handbook includes direct additives, intentionally added to food to affect its quality, and indirect additives, those additives that might be expected to become part of a food as a result of production, processing, storage, or packaging. The food additives included in this reference function as: Acidulents, Aerating Agents, Alkaline Agents, Anticaking Agents, Antimicrobials, Antistaling Agents, Antioxidants, Antispattering Agents, Aromatics, Binders, Bittering Agents, Bleaching Agents, Bodying Agents, Buffering Agents, Bulking Agents, Catalysts, Chelating Agents, Clouding Agents, Coatings/Glazes, Colorants, Color Adjuncts, Color Diluents, Color Retention Aids, Cooling Agents, Curing Agents, Defoamers/Antifoams, Clarifiers, Dietary Supplements, Dietary Fiber, Dispersants, Dough Conditioners, Drying Agents, Emulsifiers, Egg Replacements, Encapsulants, Enzymes, Fat Replacers, Fermentation Aids, Film-Formers, Flavors/Enhancers, Gelling Agents, Humectants, Instantizing Agents, Leavening Agents, Masticatory Aids, Neutralizers/Buffers/pH Control Agents, Nutrients, Opacifiers, Pickling Agents, Preservatives, Processing Aids, Propellants, Protein Fortifiers, Release Agents, Solubilizers, Solvents, Stabilizers, Starch Complexing Agents, Stiffening Agents, Surfactants, Surface-Finishing Agents, Suspending Agents, Sweeteners, Synergists, Taste Modifiers, Tenderizers, Texturizers/Texture Modifiers Thickeners, Vegetable Oils, Vehicles, Vitamins, Viscosity Modifiers, Whipping Agents'
ISBN: 9781934764008
Publication Date: 2008-01-01
Natural Food Additives, Ingredients and Flavourings by David Baines (Editor); Richard Seal (Editor)As the links between health and food additives come under increasing scrutiny, there is a growing demand for food containing natural rather than synthetic additives and ingredients. Natural food additives, ingredients and flavourings reviews the legislative issues relating to natural food additives and ingredients, the range of natural food additives and ingredients, and their applications in different product sectors.After an exploration of what the term ‘natural'means in the context of food ingredients, part one focuses on natural food colourings, low-calorie sweeteners and flavour enhancers, followed by a consideration of natural antioxidants and antimicrobials as food ingredients. The book goes on to review clean label starches and proteins, the application of natural hydrocolloids as well as natural aroma chemicals and flavourings from biotechnology and green chemistry. Part two considers specific applications in different products. Natural ingredients in savoury food products, baked goods and alcoholic drinks are examined, as are natural plant extracts in soft drinks and milk-based food ingredients.With is distinguished editors and expert team of international contributors, Natural food additives, ingredients and flavourings is an invaluable reference tool for all those involved in the development and production of foods with fewer synthetic additives and ingredients.Reviews the legislative issues relating to natural food additives and ingredients, the range of natural food additives and ingredients, and their applications in different product sectorsExplores what the term ‘natural'means in the context of food ingredients, focusses on natural food colourings, low-calorie sweeteners and flavour enhancers, and considers natural antioxidants and antimicrobials as food ingredientsExamines natural ingredients in savoury food products, baked goods and alcoholic drinks, natural plant extracts in soft drinks and milk-based food ingredients
ISBN: 9781845698119
Publication Date: 2012-03-21
Note-By-Note Cooking : The Future of Food by Hervé This; Malcolm DeBevoise (Translator)Note-by-Note Cooking is a landmark in the annals of gastronomy, liberating cooks from the constraints of traditional ingredients and methods through the use of pure molecular compounds. 1-Octen-3-ol, which has a scent of wild mushrooms; limonene, a colorless liquid hydrocarbon that has the smell of citrus; sotolon, whose fragrance at high concentrations resembles curry and at low concentrations, maple syrup or sugar; tyrosine, an odorless but flavorful amino acid present in cheese—these and many other substances, some occurring in nature, some synthesized in the laboratory, make it possible to create novel tastes and flavors in the same way that elementary sound waves can be combined to create new sounds. Note-by-note cooking promises to add unadulterated nutritional value to dishes of all kinds, actually improving upon the health benefits of so-called natural foods. Cooking with molecular compounds will be far more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable than traditional techniques of cooking. This new way of thinking about food heralds a phase of culinary evolution on which the long-term survival of a growing human population depends. Hervé This clearly explains the properties of naturally occurring and synthesized compounds, dispels a host of misconceptions about the place of chemistry in cooking, and shows why note-by-note cooking is an obvious—and inevitable—extension of his earlier pioneering work in molecular gastronomy. An appendix contains a representative selection of recipes, vividly illustrated in color.
ISBN: 9780231164863
Publication Date: 2014-10-21
Sweeteners and Sugar Alternatives in Food Technology by Kay O'Donnell (Editor); Malcolm Kearsley (Editor)This book provides a comprehensive and accessible source of information on all types of sweeteners and functional ingredients, enabling manufacturers to produce low sugar versions of all types of foods that not only taste and perform as well as sugar-based products, but also offer consumer benefits such as calorie reduction, dental health benefits, digestive health benefits and improvements in long term disease risk through strategies such as dietary glycaemic control. Now in a revised and updated new edition which contains seven new chapters, part I of this volume addresses relevant digestive and dental health issues as well as nutritional considerations. Part II covers non-nutritive, high-potency sweeteners and, in addition to established sweeteners, includes information to meet the growing interest in naturally occurring sweeteners. Part III deals with the bulk sweeteners which have now been used in foods for over 20 years and are well established both in food products and in the minds of consumers. In addition to the "traditional" polyol bulk sweeteners, newer products such as isomaltulose are discussed. These are seen to offer many of the advantages of polyols (for example regarding dental heath and low glycaemic response) without the laxative side effects if consumed in large quantity. Part IV provides information on the sweeteners which do not fit into the above groups but which nevertheless may offer interesting sweetening opportunities to the product developer. Finally, Part V examines bulking agents and multifunctional ingredients which can be beneficially used in combination with all types of sweeteners and sugars.
by Ross Sempek
Last Updated May 8, 2024
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Open Food Science JournalThe Open Food Science Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues in all important areas of food science and technology including but not limited to:
Food Chemistry, Microbiology and Safety
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Food Structure and Composition
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