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Board Game Websites, Blogs, & Reviews
Nerdist is a community of passionate fans and talented creators, celebrating our shared love of the many fandoms of pop culture. We’re fascinated by this stuff, and it shows! You’ll know it’s Nerdist, because it’s honest, thoughtful, intelligent, surprising, curious, imaginative, and – above all – fun!
Founded by Chris Hardwick in 2012, Nerdist is home to the Nerdist Podcast Network, Nerdist News, and Nerdist Presents. With daily news, hilarious videos, and reviews of the latest games, movies and comics, we’re more than a web site and more than any one show. We are an audience of millions. We are Nerdist.
Rahdo Runs Through
Hi, I film a series of boardgame videos that show, rather than tell, what a game really feels like to play. You'll find those videos here on Youtube.
About me: I'm a retired videogame designer and I play boardgames almost exclusively 2p with my wife, Jen. We generally prefer games that are heavy but not too aggressive. So those are the kinds of games you'll see me covering here.
StarlitCitadel (YouTube)
Starlit Citadel Reviews is a board game and RPG review series that has covered over 90 games of all genres since launching in 2011. The series is hosted by Kaja Sadowski and Joanna Gaskell, and produced by Starlit Citadel, an online game retailer based in Vancouver, BC. Each 5-10 minute video covers a single game, and includes a full overview of the rules as well as our hosts' opinions on the game's strengths and weaknesses. New videos are uploaded every second Monday. If you're interested in donating to the production of future episodes, you can find out more about how to contribute here: Thank you for watching!
Watch It Played
We'll teach the rules to table top games and then you can play them with us, to determine which ones would be a good fit for you!
Board Game Magazines and Journals
Twin Falls Board Game Groups
Articles about Board Games
Academic OneFile (Gale) This link opens in a new window
A general-knowledge database with millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources.
Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new window
A general knowledge database focused on scholarly research that covers topics like science, art, biology, history, politics, literature, and more.
General OneFile (Gale) This link opens in a new window
Our largest general-interest periodical resource allows you to find the information you need quickly, with intuitive searching and quality sources.
MasterFILE Premier This link opens in a new window
Full text resources covering a variety of topics. Discover materials in a collection of over one thousand periodicals, plus reference books, primary source documents, and an image collection.
YouTube - Gaming in Libraries
Institutions with Game Collections
Board Game Enthusiast - Ask Here