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Psychology: Psychology Resources


Welcome to the Library's Psychology Research Guide! 

This guide is designed to introduce you to the psychology resources available in our library and online. These are meant to be examples of what is available and does not represent the entirety of our collection. 

If you have any questions or are in need of research assistance please contact Allie Beard at 208-732-6502 or

Article Databases

APA PsychNet (American Psychological Association) 

Browse full-text journal articles published by APA and other publishers in subject areas such as applied psychology, health, theory, research, social/personality, and more.


Full text of dozens of journals, mostly published by the American Psychological Association. An excellent place to look for peer-reviewed research articles.

Psychology (Gale OneFile) 

Access authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology.

Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection 

An essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. It offers strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.

Academic Search Premier 

A general knowledge database focused on scholarly research that covers topics like science, art, biology, history, politics, literature, and more.

CQ Researcher 

Weekly reporting on current and controversial social issues. Includes multiple viewpoints and references to books, articles, and websites.

Credo Reference 

CREDO's got it all. With wide coverage with basic information, access over one thousand reference books including all types of dictionaries, encyclopedias, and biographies.

Ejournals & Websites

Videos on Demand

Books and eBooks