College Transfer Success: making a smooth transition by Alyssa Williams; Donna Housman
Call Number: LB2360 .W55 2015
ISBN: 9781594940798
Publication Date: 2016
Community College Transfer Guide (2nd Edition) by Don Silver
Call Number: LB2360 .S55 2016
ISBN: 9780944708972
Publication Date: 2014
Implementing Transfer Associate Degrees: perspectives from the states by CC (Community Colleges) Staff; Carrie B. Kisker (Editor); Richard L. Wagoner (Editor)In recent years a convergence of several forces such as increased legislative involvement in higher education, governmental and philanthropic pressure to increase postsecondary degree and certificate production, and fiscal belt-tightening at colleges and universities across America, has resulted in efforts to significantly reform community college to university transfer and articulation processes. One increasingly popular method of reform is the implementation of transfer associate degrees: statewide pathways or degree programs that allow students to both earn an associate degree from a community college and transfer seamlessly into a state university with junior status. This volume outlines the elements off effective transfer associate degrees and explores their implementation in six states including Arizona, California, Louisiana, New Jersey, Ohio, and Washington.
Call Number: LB2360 .I47 2013
ISBN: 9781118620359
Publication Date: 2013
Studying Transfer in Higher Education: new approaches to enduring and emerging topics by IR (Institutional Research) Staff; Xueli Wang (Editor)Gain fresh perspectives and approaches to the topic of students transferring among institutions of higher education. Despite the copious research on transfer patterns and students who transfer, this line of research is thronged with conceptual, methodological, and data challenges that warrant continued and more nuanced attention. This volume answers this call and provides updated scholarship and examines emerging issues pertaining to transfer.Organized around two broad, interconnected ways to conceptualize transfer, it first examines students who transfer and then discusses transfer as a complex postsecondary pathway. Engaging empirical research, perspectives, and case analysis from higher education scholars and institutional researchers, this volume offers renewed conceptual and methodological insights that inform future research on transfer, along with concrete recommendations for institutional researchers.
Call Number: LB2360 .S78 2017
ISBN: 9781119376477
Publication Date: 2017
Transition and Transformation: fostering transfer student success by Stephen Handel (Editor); Eileen Strempel (Editor)
Call Number: LB2360 .T735 2016
ISBN: 9781940771250
Publication Date: 2016
Barriers Faced by Hispanic Students Transferring from Community Colleges to University by Bobby C. Alexander; Victor GarciaA careful analysis compiled from six case studies of factors that impede educational success among Hispanic high school graduates going on to college. For the first time in this collected volume of six case studies, scholars will be able to find out the subjective reasons why Hispanic students drop out of college at a higher rate than any other racial or ethnic group. Filled with qualitative and quantitative analysis, this text provides evidence and gives a brief, but narrow entranceway into the lives of Hispanic college students. Whether or not community college is the right path to take for students whose families did not previously enter college is something that study takes into consideration. The drop-out rate among community college students is much higher and this could foster the problems even further.
ISBN: 9780773429697
Publication Date: 2012
Collegiate Transfer: Navigating the New Normal by Janet L. Marling (Editor)Although students have been moving between institutions and attempting to import course credit for many years, current data show that transfer is becoming an increasingly common approach to higher education. This volume is dedicated to exploring this new normal and has been written with a broad constituency in mind. It is intended to assist institutions, higher education agencies, and even state legislative bodies as they navigate the challenges of serving transfer students, a diverse, integral segment of our higher education system. Most available research has explored the two year to four-year transfer track, and the practical examples provided here often use that framework. However, real-world transition issues are not restricted to a specific higher education sector, and readers interested in the sometimes complex processes of other transfer pathways will gain valuable insight as well. This is the 162nd volume of the Jossey-Bass higher education report New Directions for Higher Education. Addressed to presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other higher education decision makers on all kinds of campuses, New Directions for Higher Education provides timely information and authoritative advice about major issues and administrative problems confronting every institution.